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Yvonne and Alan Moulton
News December 17, 2019

Psychology Department Announces Moulton Scholars Program

Yvonne and Alan Moulton

We all have teachers and professors whose impact on our lives can be felt years after we’ve left their classrooms. The impact Dr. Alan ’60 and Yvonne Cochran ’58 Moulton made on their students and the campus of Asbury University is still felt today. So it is with great pride and joy that Asbury Psychology Department faculty announce the creation of the Moulton Scholars Program to honor the deep spiritual and academic impact the Moultons made on so many.

The Moulton Scholars Program is a competitive, merit-based recognition and grant opportunity conferred upon upper-level undergraduate Asbury Psychology majors who have applied and been approved by the full-time Psychology faculty for admittance into the program.

The Moultons first attended Asbury as students and served in faculty roles from 1962 to 2005. Alan, who passed away in 2017, served as faculty and chair in the Psychology Department; while Yvonne, who currently resides in Wilmore, taught in the English Department. As a long-standing Psychology Department chair, Alan provided careful and thoughtful vision to the department while also bringing memorable and meaningful instruction to students in the classroom.

Together, Alan and Yvonne left a powerful legacy of influence on countless students whom they mentored and loved. In these many ways, they have left a lasting impression on both Asbury and the work of the gospel that only eternity can measure.

According to Dr. Paul Nesselroade, Asbury professor and chair of Psychology, the impact Alan had on students went far beyond those he taught in his department.

“He provided leadership, vision, engaging teaching and mentorship for dozens and dozens of students – and not just Psychology majors,” Nesselroade said. “Everyone, and I do mean everyone, wanted to take Dr. Moulton’s Introduction to Psychology course. He was a campus icon.”

The Moultons also contributed greatly to the overall morale of Asbury during both good and hard times.

“He was also a valued colleague to countless faculty members, administrators and staff – and a source of stability and wisdom for the school as it experienced administration challenges during a couple rocky periods in the school’s history,” Nesselroade continued. “When they were honored in Hughes at alumni weekend a few years ago, the standing ovation lasted for five minutes – no exaggeration.”

For Yvonne, the creation of the Scholars Program is an incredible blessing.

“I think the real desire of both Alan and I was, in as many ways as possible, to help students understand the meaning of who they are and who God is, which is a focus of psychology – to understand man and how God created him as a whole being,” Moulton said.

Moulton Scholars will receive grant monies from the Moulton Endowed Scholarship Fund; granted monies are typically around $1,250 per semester and will stack on top of existing financial aid. Upon graduation, Moulton Scholars will receive a plaque acknowledging this high designation; and upon acceptance, they’ll receive a letter from the department acknowledging their acceptance into the program.

Moulton Scholar responsibilities include being involved in Psychology Club, Psi Chi (International Honor Society in Psychology), and departmental events. They must also be involved in leadership, practicums, service and/or study abroad experiences.

Successful applicants will be rising juniors or seniors, be full-time Asbury Psychology majors in good academic standing, and have completed 11 Asbury Psychology credits. Students must have an overall GPA of no less than 3.50 and an Asbury Psychology GPA of no less than 3.60.

They must demonstrate an appreciation for the integration of psychology and orthodox Christianity and conduct themselves in a professional manner both in and out of the classroom. Students must possess a compelling extracurricular resume as well as articulate a challenging vision for their postgraduate plans.

Learn more about the Moulton Scholars Program at Asbury University.