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Headshot of Bridgette Campbell
Alumni Homepage News Spiritual Vitality September 07, 2023

Asbury Outpouring Legacy Continues Through Outreach Ministry Teams and Archives

The Asbury University Outpouring ended in February, so what’s happening now?

Coordinator of Outreach Ministry Teams Bridgette Campbell and Archives Assistants Charlotte Staudt ’21 and Diane Troyer joined Asbury University after the Outpouring to assist with the “sending out” of Asbury students around the globe and archiving the world’s response to the event.

With 20 Outpouring teams sent out this summer (35 total since February), students shared both in the United States and abroad at churches, camps, festivals, and even in a prison. From Idaho and Texas to Michigan and North Carolina, students also shared their testimonies in the Netherlands, England, Canada, China, Australia, and Thailand.

Headshot of Bridgette Campbell
Bridgette Campbell

“One student had multiple flight issues and wound up in the airport for most of the day,” Campbell said. “Instead of being discouraged, he stayed in the airport and talked with other passengers about Jesus.”

Students continue to share about God’s faithfulness throughout the fall semester. One group traveled over Labor Day to California for the Light at the Lighthouse festival to play worship music and share personal testimonies. Coordinated by the Asbury University Board of Trustees Chair Mr. Larry D. Brown ’80, four students will travel to Pennsylvania to share at universities and churches over fall break in October.

On the lower level of Kinlaw Library, Staudt and Troyer collected born-digital material (materials that originate in digital form) to archive the Outpouring.

“From May to September, Diane and I gathered over 20 denominational responses, over 10 documentaries/conference sessions, over 70 podcasts, over 10 sermons from churches across the globe, over 350 social media posts, over 900 articles, and hundreds of pictures and videos of the Outpouring,” Staudt said, smiling. “The data from all that material is currently being added to a spreadsheet and tagged.”

Staudt working in the Kinlaw Library Archives

Both Staudt and Troyer archived digital and print media related to the Outpouring.

“Many of the formats we’ve gathered didn’t exist 50 years ago,” Staudt said. “The Outpouring Collection serves as the University’s first born-digital collection, which reflects the fact that this Outpouring was so driven by the digital world.”

“I loved reading about people’s experiences and seeing the impact across the U.S. and world,” Troyer said.

Staudt, Troyer, and Campbell attended the Outpouring in February, all with unique perspectives.

“I heard about the Outpouring from my co-workers at the school where I was working,” Staudt said. “Then, I came on Monday, February 13, to see for myself what was happening.”

Troyer attended the Outpouring during its first week and then babysat children so that their parents could attend.

Campbell heard about the Outpouring from her daughter.

“Aubrey was one of the students who stayed after chapel on that first day in February,” Campbell said. “I brought some snacks and water bottles for the students and stayed for a couple hours that night. Then, I came back on Sunday, and I was totally changed and spiritually fed.”

Campbell volunteered in February, often working from 12 a.m. to 3 a.m., praying with people, managing lines, directing guests along Macklem Drive, and hosting 50 people in her home and Airbnb.

“We really lost all sense of time, and the rest of the world just faded away,” Campbell said. “It is such a blessing to see students passionate about sharing the Outpouring and seeking God’s will for their lives and to be Spirit-led in their words and actions.”

To share your Outpouring testimony, click here: