Asbury University is pleased to announce that the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) was awarded certification as a Level I certified tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). For more than 30 years, CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs with almost 1,300 members and more than 2,000 certified training programs worldwide. Learn more:
“It is a pleasure to extend my congratulations to Dr. Henry Zonio, Director of the CAE, and his staff for receiving the Level 1 certified tutor training program award from the international CRLA,” said Provost and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Sherry Powers. “This recognition affirms the commitment of our CAE staff to provide high-quality services that facilitate student learning and academic success.”
The CAE has worked continuously to develop a tutor training program that meets CRLA’s rigorous standards and has successfully completed the International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) peer review process. Achieving certification means that the CAE has met CRLA’s high standards for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation as an integral part of their overall tutoring program.
“At the CAE, we train peer educators with the skills and knowledge to accomplish our mission, which is to support students at all levels of achievement with what they need to become confident, independent learners,” Zonio said. “International Tutor Training Program Certification from the CRLA provides international recognition for our tutor training program amongst an array of higher education and professional tutoring associations. Further, the CAE can provide Level I Tutor Certification for our peer educators who complete the tutor training program, which is an official certification they can take with them beyond their time at Asbury.”
Asbury’s CAE offers tools for success, including writing assistance, peer tutoring and academic accessibility resources. Located in Kinlaw Library, the student-specialists lead group or individual sessions and aim to improve students’ general study, writing and critical thinking skills. The CAE’s primary goal is to help students have rewarding learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. Learn more: