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30 Under 30 Alumni Uncategorized January 13, 2025

Phil Salmen ’18

Health & Physical Education major
Health and Physical Education High School Teacher, Christian Academy of Louisville

Phil Salmen ’18, a Health and Physical Education major, is a Boys Health and Physical Education high school teacher at the Christian Academy of Louisville in Kentucky.

“I am currently teaching students, coaching athletics, and managing events here at Christian Academy of Louisville at their English Station campus.,” said Salmen. “In the past year, I have coached the startup of the school’s eSports Rocket League team while assisting as part of the support staff for the Boy’s JV/Varsity basketball team. Outside of the school, I maintain intentional friendships with former Asbury alumni here in Louisville and we are avid fans and supporters of the USL Championship team Louisville City, here in the city. Go Lou City!”

“After leaving Australia in the fall of 2019, I was led to teach here because of the immense connection to Christian Education that CAL had excelled at for so many years. I chose to work here because of the heart and mission of CAL which is rooted in the hopes of producing Godly individuals that serve to honor God’s truth and spirit.”

Building relationships with teachers, administrators, students, players and co-workers brings this teacher great joy.

“One of the greatest joys in my experience so far has been the moments where students have come to me for advice or encouragement in their daily walk of life,” said the young alum. “The array of questions that high school students have asked me can be described from odd to thought-provoking. There is never a dull moment with the students I have been blessed to teach.”

Salmen has learned many lessons from his teaching experience, in and outside of the classroom.

“The first lesson learned would be the importance of maintaining a healthy focus on your personal walk with Christ,” Salmen responded. “I have learned that I have to focus on maintaining a good balance of prayer, reading my Bible and investing in the community God has so fortunately placed me.”

“Secondly, I have learned to make sure to always listen to my students first when they approach me in times of assistance. I can never know what exactly is going on in a student’s life, so I want to recognize the importance of when a student is sharing something with me, whether it’s personal or regarding the in-class work. It is always beneficial to find support alongside their counselor at the school to better assist and benefit the student in mind. A bonus lesson for me has always been to look out for the small moments in each day that can bring me joy which takes intentionality and thought.”
When asked how Asbury prepared him for his journey as a teacher. He spoke highly of professors who had the best intentions for developing him as a teacher and follower of Christ.

“Dr. Bland and Dr. Pickerill were foundational in my growth as they helped me build my foundation within the walls of the classroom,” Salmen reflected. “They were able to build scenarios and examples that allowed me to make mistakes while building rapport in handling situations and students that made me the teacher I am today. Lastly, the examples they upheld as instructors enabled me to build a model of an intentional teacher who truly cares for their students.”

When asked for advice to share with prospective students and young alums, Salmen shared this:

“The advice I have to share to those reading this is to stay intentional in every aspect of your life that is important and meaningful. If you find importance in your family and friends, you should take time out of your day to look outside yourself. Lastly, when you choose to commit to something or someone, make sure you give them every effort you are able to offer. Asbury is an amazing community because of the continual respect and action of their faculty and staff towards the development of their students, athletes and the world around them. To God be the glory and honor.”