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Great Commission Congress 2005-06

“NO NEUTRAL GROUND” — January 23-27, 2006

“This is war, and there is no neutral ground. If you’re not on my side, you’re the enemy; if you’re not helping, you’re making things worse.” – Matthew 12:30 (The Message)


REV. HUBERT HARRIMAN – President, World Gospel Mission

RYAN SHAW – Founder and Executive Director, Student Volunteer Movement 2 (SVM2)

DR. ROY LAUTER – President, New Hope Intl. Ministries


Monday, January 23
10:00 am – Chapel – Rev. Hubert Harriman
6:30 pm – Evening Service – Rev. Hubert Harriman
Tuesday, January 24
6:30 pm – Evening Service – Rev. Hubert Harriman
Wednesday, January 25
10:00 am – Chapel – Ryan Shaw
6:30 pm – Evening Service – Ryan Shaw
Thursday, January 26
6:30 pm – Evening Service – Dr. Roy Lauter
Friday, January 27
10:00 am – Chapel – Dr. Roy Lauter
7:30 pm – Peculiar People

News Release:

Great Commission Congress begins January 23

January 19, 2006

WILMORE, KY—The Great Commission Congress at Asbury College is January 23-27. The theme for this week is “No Neutral Ground” based Matthew 12:30 (The Message).

This year’s speakers are Rev. Hubert Harriman, president of the World Gospel Mission, Ryan Shaw, founder and executive director of Student Volunteer Movement 2 (SVM2), and Dr. Roy Lauter, president of New Hope International Ministries.

During this week the College hosts its annual series of chapel and evening services discussing the fulfillment of the Great Commission given in the book of Matthew. Each year a special offering is taken to support a specific work that advances the Great Commission. This year the focus is the renovation of the Katako Kombe camp meeting site in Central Congo.

Established shortly after Dr. Alexander J. Reid (Asbury college class of ’27) and wife, Hazel, began work there in 1943, the Katako Kombe camp meeting site was the gathering place for spiritual retreats of various kinds for many years. This tradition continued until the recent years of turmoil and war in the Congo. Foreign soldiers and rebel troops moved through the area and it wasn’t long before the roofing, doors and windows were all gone and the buildings began to deteriorate. With the election of new Episcopal leadership for Central Congo and a renewed interest in revival, it has become necessary to renovate the camp meeting site by August 2006.

In addition to three chapel services, held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10 a.m., there will be four evening services, Monday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m. A missions exposition will be in the dining hall during meal times Wednesday through Friday, allowing students to work with more than 20 missions groups including the World Gospel Mission, OMS International, New Hope International Ministries, Africa Inland Mission, The Salvation Army and more.

News Release:

Come see how normal you really are…Peculiar People to perform January 27

January 26, 2006

WILMORE, KY—The comedy duo, Peculiar People, will perform on January 27 at 7:30 p.m. in Hughes Auditorium at Asbury College.

Charlie and Ruth Jones started Peculiar People in 1987 in Birmingham, Ala., after ten years of professional theater in Southern California. The husband and wife team have more than 20 years experience and have traveled around the nation providing whimsical entertainment intertwined with deep, spiritual insight.

One of the most unique drama teams in the country, the Jones write and act their own material, which encompasses a wide variety of themes and styles from sketch comedy to full-length historical dramas. The main focus of their work is a desire to renew astonishment at the power of God’s Grace and recapture a lost wonder and innocence.

The event, held at the conclusion of the College’s 5-day Great Commission Congress, is free and open to the public. For more information on Peculiar People, contact Ronald Holz, at (859) 858-3511, x2246.