Media Communication majorEvent Producer, Studio46 Media
Renner Clements ’20, a media communication major, is the Event Producer for Studio46 Media, a video and event production company in Lexington, Kentucky.
“I chose this field because I want to use my heart, head and hands to bring people together using the tools available to my generation,” said Clements. “By utilizing multimedia production technology, I can help create specific moments of elevated communal experience. These experiences are exciting, energetic, and critical in reminding ourselves that, in the midst of an increasingly isolated world, there is joy to be found in gathering.”
During his time at Asbury, Clements learned the value of relationships and community—a value which he has incorporated into his professional career.
“The technical information I gained from my education is critical,” said Clements, “but what sustains my career is how I relate to my coworkers and how I make the decisions that dictate the course of my vocational experience.”According to Clements, Asbury’s number one resource is its professors. Despite being a media communication major, one of his favorite classes came from a required general electives course in chemistry.
“In the spirit of full disclosure, I have no interest in chemistry. I never have. However, this chemistry course turned out to become one of my favorite classes I have ever taken, thanks to Dr. Stull’s stalwart leadership and camaraderie,” said Clements. “I am different now because of that class. I see challenges differently; difficult problems come my way and I am now more capable of caring enough to solve them than I was before.”
Clements continued, “Be the reason why professors dread their office hours. Joking aside, I owe a sizable percentage of my current success because I would linger after class and engage with my professors one-on-one. The conversations held after class were every bit as valuable as the ones my tuition was paying for in class. You will not be able to find a more universally supportive and qualified professorship.”