“I’m in the process of writing a Homeland Security grant and I’m wondering what you will have available for Mounted Unit Horses in April of 2019. The four that we purchased from Asbury the past couple of years (Gatsby, Hank, Hondo and Hugo) are ‘Rock Stars.’”
“I want to thank you for entertaining our time at Asbury. I can only speak highly of Holly and I can see why she will be missed at graduation. The other three students’ dedication to their training is also worth mentioning. Their eagerness to engage us and learn can not be dismissed. We can see that the colts have a strong foundation for sensory. Again, I thank you and your students for a wonderful opportunity to visit your school and program.”
Elizabeth GuthrieEquine Directorelizabeth.guthrie@asbury.edu
“The major difference that I see between the Equine Program at Asbury University and other schools is the emphasis on a spiritual foundation. They do an outstanding job of teaching horsemanship as they effectively share the Gospel.”
“In an industry riddled with compromise, Asbury University’s Equine Program is emerging as a lighthouse for future generations of horse enthusiasts. Asbury is helping raise the bar for horse performance and professional, ethical practices industry-wide. The systematic and progressive, yet fun, way to train both horse and handler establishes a foundation that will serve them both well the rest of their lives. The indisputable results are evident in the competent, happy and highly accomplished human/equine partnerships. Asbury Equine is a light worth following.”
“We had a situation of a noted trainer from our area who had an almost fatal accident and was predicted to never ride again due to the severity of her injuries. She asked to try Desi, a retired Service Mount horse from Asbury University, as her first horse to get back in the saddle. Desi was fabulous and helped her build the confidence to go forward. She has recovered and is grateful to Desi for helping give her the start and build confidence to regain her life.”
“The colts here at Asbury University are phenomenal to work on. They are the best standing, the best behaved colts I have worked on this year.”
“We have trained with the guys from the City of Bethlehem (Pa.) Mounted Police and thought the horses they purchased from you were the only horses that were on par with our own as far as being near ‘bomb proof.’”