If you have experience backpacking or camping, you may have your own preferences and we are totally open to that. This packing list is our best suggestion for introducing the kind of gear we will need while we are in the woods. As a program we have sleeping bags, hammocks, and backpacks that can be loaned at no extra cost for this trip. We would much rather you borrow from us than spend money on expensive gear if you are only planning on using it for one trip! As for buying your own gear, we encourage you to go out to your local outdoor store and support small local businesses. Keep in mind that with gear, you really do get what you pay for. Along with personal gear, each member on Archways will help carry “group gear” such as stoves, fuel, tarps, and other things that will be needed by everyone in the group. This is an in-depth list of personal gear. For personal use, each member will need:
These clothes are meant to keep you dry & comfortable after a day of activity. Cotton fabrics are fine.
Kentucky Outdoor Institute
(859) 858-5891