Asbury University prioritizes and cares deeply about the safety, security and well-being of all students.
If any Asbury community member, including alumni and previous students, has concerns about safety on campus or an issue is unresolved, please contact the following:
Asbury University launched a multi-year safety plan in the fall of 2020. This plan implements updated safety equipment, technology, and additional staff in a multi-year approach. As part of this plan, additional security officers have been added to the Campus Safety team, including a Safety Resource Officer from the Jessamine County Sherriff’s office. Additional lighting has been added to parking lots and campus areas, along with additional security cameras in and around multiple buildings on campus. As a part of this multi-year campus safety improvement plan, the summer of 2024 brings safety technology upgrades, including upgraded and additional cameras and lighting in multiple areas.
Asbury University employs and trains its own Campus Safety staff who function as service providers to the Asbury community. Campus Safety staff members have several specializations including safety and threat assessment, first aid and CPR, law enforcement, criminal justice/safety research, criminal investigations, and facilitating safe communities. Campus Safety supervisors have graduate degrees in safety, psychology, or criminal justice and decades of experience in safety/ law enforcement.
Campus Safety staff are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. Additionally, Campus Safety supervisors are on duty during the week and on-call 24/7 as needed. If information or assistance is needed the University Switchboard/dispatcher may be contacted at (859) 858-3511, extension 0.
Campus Safety staff remain in radio contact with the Switchboard operator/dispatcher throughout their shift. Additionally, should an urgent situation arise, the officer on duty may also contact Jessamine County 911 for fire, ambulance or police assistance.
Campus Safety staff report all crimes to the Assistant Vice President for Campus Safety for inclusion on the University website crime reports page, and subsequent state and federal reports in accordance with the Minger and Clery Acts. All victims of violations of law are strongly encouraged to report criminal acts to law enforcement, and Campus Safety staff are available to meet with students and employees to assist in reporting incidents to the police. Campus Safety will provide assistance to the police during investigations.
In general, campus buildings are open during the week to accommodate classes and university activities. Many of the buildings and classrooms are not open on weekends except for special events. The Switchboard/dispatcher may be contacted 24 hours a day at (859) 858-3511, extension 0.
Residence halls are secured 24/7. A registered resident student, with an approved electronically coded I.D. card, may enter their residence hall by using their I.D. card. Should the card reader malfunction or a card be misplaced, access for current students living in the residence hall may be gained by contacting the Switchboard in the Hager Administration Building.
Any known or observed crime should be reported to the Switchboard operator or to Campus Safety staff as soon as possible. Asbury University promotes a “See Something Say Something” philosophy on campus in alignment with the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to keep communities safe. Students, employees, and visitors should report incidents which are concerning to the University Switchboard at (859) 858-3511, extension 0, so Campus Safety can respond to the incident.
In any emergency a person should dial 911 to reach Jessamine County 911. After speaking with the 911 dispatcher, the University Switchboard should also be called so Campus Safety staff may begin rendering assistance and provide support for first responders arriving on campus.
All theft or vandalism complaints in the residence halls must be reported at once to the appropriate Resident Assistant (RA), Resident Director (RD), or the University Switchboard. Each resident has the responsibility for safeguarding possessions by locking residence hall rooms, and documenting the make, model, and serial numbers of personal possessions.
View the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy.
View the University’s bias incident report process, and the online report form.
No student or employee is allowed to bring any tobacco products, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs to the campus. Confirmation of possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. Firearms or other weapons are not permitted on campus except as provided for within the Kentucky Revised Statutes. Questions regarding firearms should be directed to the Assistant Vice President of Campus Safety (859) 858-3511, extension 0.
Campus Safety information is provided to students during student orientation and at various times throughout the year such as resident assistant training, desk worker training, and other safety educational opportunities, as well as on the Campus Shield Safety app. New employees are provided campus safety information during new employee orientation. Students and employees with safety or security questions may call the Switchboard/dispatcher to be placed in contact with the on-duty Safety staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (859) 858-3511, extension 0.
Campus Safety uses the Campus Shield app to provide general information to the campus community and to receive non-emergency information through a “submit tips” option (anonymously if the user chooses). Students and employees must download the app from Google Android or Apple iOS. Asbury credentials are required to login to the app. Below are some of the apps features:
Campus Safety uses Omnilert for emergency communications via text and email. Students are automatically enrolled in emergency notifications through financial registration unless the student chooses to “opt out”. Employees are able to enroll for emergency communications through the Asbury Employee Portal. Campus Safety will send a test alert during the first week of classes during the fall and spring semesters and follow up with an email to the campus community. If there are any questions regarding signing up for emergency texting, please email, or contact the Assistant Vice President of Campus Safety (859) 858-3511, extension 0, for assistance.
There are two types of emergency communications:
Clery Crime categories are:
All external communications will be handled through the University’s Office of Strategic Communications. Depending on the particular circumstances of the crime or threat, the university website, or other university media may be used to communicate with stakeholders and the public.
The daily crime and fire logs are available for viewing on the university website.
The Personal Safety Plan and the Annual Security and Fire Report, which provides crime statistics in accordance with state and federal law, is available for viewing on the university website at