Dr. Kevin Brown began serving as Asbury University’s 18th president on July 1, 2019, but he was no stranger to the Asbury community. From 2013 – 2019, Dr. Brown served as a professor and associate dean of Asbury’s Dayton School of Business. He was a consistent favorite among students and in 2016, he received Asbury’s highest honor for teaching—the Frances White Ewbank Excellence in Teaching Award.
Before coming to Asbury, Dr. Brown spent four years teaching business at Anderson University, and worked for nearly a decade before that at Wells Fargo Bank, spending the last four years as a market president.
His education includes an undergraduate degree and an MBA from the University of Indianapolis along with two degrees from institutions in Scotland—an MA of Letters from St. Andrews University and a PhD from the University of Glasgow. Dr. Brown’s graduate background incorporates economics, philosophy, and theology—and his research seeks to explore the interplay between these fields.
Dr. Brown cares deeply about students and the education they have been called into at Asbury. His leadership and love for students flows from his desire for their faith to be formed and fueled during their time at Asbury. He is a champion of this generation, GenZ and believes that they are being called to be God’s change agents for a world that very much needs the light of Jesus Christ.
Dr. Brown is married to Maria and they have three children. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as reading, exercising, and camping with his family.
PhD, University of Glasgow, Scotland December 5th, 2011
DISSERTATION: The Economics and Ethics of Residential Integration—a joint study between the School of Social and Political Science (Urban Studies) and School of Critical Studies (Political Philosophy). NOTE: Successfully defended on December 5th, 2011
MLitt, University of St. Andrews, Scotland Summer 2008
THESIS: Contemporary Theological Critiques of Capitalism and the Implications for the Christian Practice of Giving. Thesis marked as “High Merit” August 2008.
MBA, University of Indianapolis Summer 2002
BS, University of Indianapolis Spring 2000
Paper Presented: ISA International Housing Conference—Glasgow, Scotland 2009 (“The Economics and Ethics of Mixed Communities: Exploring the Philosophy of Integration through the Lens of the Subprime Financial Crisis in the US”)
Attended: RISE Conference—Dayton, 2010
Paper Presented: Diverse Engagement: Drawing in the Margins—Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference—Cambridge University, England 2010 (“The Theology of Spatial Equality and Social Integration”)
Attended: RISE Conference—Dayton, 2011
Paper Presented: Issues in Social Economics at Southern Economic Association (SEA) Conference—Washington, D.C. November 2011 (“Economics and Value: A Conceptual Assessment of the Benefits and Drawbacks of Economic Valuation in the Neighborhood Integration Discussion”
Paper Presented: 14th World Conference of Social Economics—Glasgow, Scotland 2012 (“The Normative Argument for Residential Integration: A Neo-Rawlsian Approach”)
Paper Presented: CCCU Free Market Forum—Houston, 2012 (“Spontaneous Order and the Imago Dei”)
Paper Presented: Christian Scholars Conference—Lipscomb University June, 2013 (“The Moral Status of Preferences”)
Attended: CCCU Free Market Forum—San Diego, 2013
Paper Presented: Christian Scholars Conference—Lipscomb University June, 2014 (“Value, Economic Value, and the Future of Higher Education”)
Attended: Acton University—Acton Organization June, 2014
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Trevecca Nazarene, October 2014 (Paper #1: “Broadening the Business Discipline—Teaching the History of Business in the Faith Tradition”)
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Trevecca Nazarene, 2014 October (Paper #2: “The Moral Significance of Preferences—A Faith-Based Framework for Evaluation”)
Attended: CCCU Free Market Forum—Indianapolis, 2014
Attended: Acton University—Acton Organization June, 2015
Attended: AEI Values and Capitalism Conference—Washington D.C. June 2015
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Virginia Beach, VA, October 2015 (Paper #1: “Social Entrepreneurship: From the Classroom to the Marketplace”)
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Virginia Beach, VA, October 2015 (Paper #2: “The Journal Publications of the CBFA—CBAR Report to the CBFA”)
Paper Presented: Values and Capitalism Faculty Retreat—Bonita Springs, FL, January 2016 (“What is Your Narrative: Human Purpose and the Future of Work”).
Attended: AEI Values and Capitalism Conference—Washington D.C. June 2016
Lecture: Hope College Department of Economics and Business—Holland, MI September 2016 (“Is Everything for Sale? Market Exchange through the Lens of Virtue and Faith”).
Panel Presenter: Hope College Markets and Morality Group—Holland, MI, September 2016 (“Work and the Future of Automation”).
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Charleston, SC, October 2016 (Paper #1: The Future of the CBFA Journal Publications”)
Paper Presented: Christian Business Faculty Association Annual Meeting—Charleston, SC, October 2016 (Paper #2: “A Call to Worship: Preparing our Students for Ministry in the Workplace”)
Paper Presented: Values and Capitalism Faculty Retreat—San Antonio, TX January 2017 (“Civic Attributes in a Coming Apart Age”).
Panel Presenter: Thomas More College Institute for Religious Liberty Academic Symposium—Thomas More College, February 2017
Paper Presented: Christian Scholars Conference—Lipscomb University, TN June 2017 (Paper #1: “Collaboration and Pedagogy: Highlighting ‘The Asbury Project’”)
Paper Presented: Christian Scholars Conference—Lipscomb University, TN June 2017 (Paper #2: “Virtue and the Moral Limits of Markets”)
Lecture(s): Summit Ministries Conference—Manitou Springs, CO June 2017 (Lecture #1: “Economics: What is it? Why is it Important?”; Lecture #2: “Economic Understanding and Faithful Action”).
Attended: AEI Values and Capitalism Conference—Washington D.C. June 2017
Lecture(s): Hope College Markets and Morality Annual Retreat—Holland, MI September 2017 (“What is Virtue?”)
Lecture: American Enterprise Institute’s Values and Capitalism Fall Summit—Washington D.C., October 2017 (“A Christian Response to Automation”)
Paper Presented: Southern Economic Association Regional Conference—Tampa, FL November 2017 (“Augustine, Desire, and the Moral Significance of Preferences”)
Paper Presented: Values and Capitalism Faculty Retreat—San Diego, CA January 2018 (“US Higher Education in an Exponential Era”)
Lecture: Make Jesus Culture Conference—Online Presenter Broadcast, February 2018 (“What is Virtue?”)
Lecture(s): Summit Ministries Conference—Manitou Springs, CO June 2018 (Lecture #1: “Economics: What is it? Why is it Important?”; Lecture #2: “Economic Understanding and Faithful Action”).
Lecture: Acton University—Grand Rapids, MI June 2018 (“John Rawls, Justice, and the Imago Dei”)
Lecture(s): Summit Ministries Conference—Manitou Springs, CO July 2018 (Lecture #1: “Economics: What is it? Why is it Important?”; Lecture #2: “Economic Understanding and Faithful Action”).
Attended: AEI Values and Capitalism Fall Summit—Washington D.C. September 2018