March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020 at 4:50 p.m. EDT
Asbury Students, Faculty & Staff,
We find ourselves in unprecedented times working through the ever-evolving COVID-19 global pandemic. These past few weeks have been a time of disruption and uncertainty. Information and effects of this pandemic are rapidly developing and changing almost on an hourly basis. Effects of this virus are numerous and will continue for an indefinite period of time.
Our most important responsibility is to the health and well-being of our Asbury community. We are also greatly concerned with how we can help stem the tide of this illness and the impact on the broader community. Because of these responsibilities, we are faced with making hard decisions that affect all of us in ways we could have never predicted.
Based on the advice of health experts, guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, directives from the Kentucky Governor’s office, and consensus of our own Asbury University COVID-19 Response Team, we have made the very difficult decision to complete the Spring Semester in an online instruction format for traditional undergraduate students. Starting March 30, 2020, we will fully proceed with online learning for the remainder of the Spring Semester. APS and graduate instruction will continue online as previously scheduled.
Let me be clear, from the moment our committee began to consider the COVID-19 threat, I have viewed the transition to online instruction for our residential students as a last resort. However, after deep discussion, deliberation, and reflection from experts, we have prayerfully determined this is the most prudent step.
I know this is a difficult decision to process and understand there could be stress, anxiety, as well as a level of grief associated with a development like this, especially for our graduating seniors. Please be assured that while we will be using a different mode of delivery, all Asbury University faculty and staff are committed to providing our students with the level of academic excellence and spiritual vitality they have come to expect. Students will receive additional information on these new offerings and schedules in the coming days.
I acknowledge that this decision impacts all of us and there will be many questions from students, parents, faculty, and staff. The President’s Cabinet and the COVID-19 Response Team are currently working through these questions and other critical components. We will communicate answers to the below questions, as well as many others, in the coming days.
Employees will receive a separate communication from Asbury Human Resources with additional information on what this development means.
Our focus remains on the health and well-being of our students, employees, and surrounding community. I will continue to meet with the Cabinet and COVID-19 Response Team daily to monitor all developments at a local, state, and national level. I invite you to regularly monitor for any new updates, as well as submit any questions to
I am honored to be part of such an amazing community and trust God to usher us into these coming days with hope, strength, and faith.
We can do hard things together. I know Asbury University and our community will emerge on the other side of this crisis stronger and united to serve.
Many Blessings,
Kevin J. Brown, PhD
President, Asbury University