Faculty & Staff Directory

Asbury University staff and faculty are some of the most capable and caring individuals I have ever had the privilege to serve with.  In addition to their high spiritual temperature, holy imagination, and self-expenditure for the sake of others—they are student-centric.  That is, they prioritize our student’s intellectual, communal, moral, and spiritual good.  Asbury is special because our people are special.
Dr. Kevin Brown President

Meet Asbury’s exceptional
faculty and staff.

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Russell Abner, M.B.A.
Coordinator of Business Operations
Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
George Allen, D.B.A.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Program Director
Asbury University Center for Professional Selling
Email: george.allen@asbury.edu
Melissa Altman ’12, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Equine Science, Pre-Veterinary Advisor
Email: melissa.altman@asbury.edu
Ben Andrews ’06, M.S.M.
Head Men’s Soccer Coach, Associate Athletic Director, Compliance
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Annie Sisk ’21
Coordinator for Special Events & Outreach
Email: anne.sisk@asbury.edu
Zaire Archuleta, M.A.
Graduate Admissions Officer, Dayton School of Business
Email: gradadmissions@asbury.edu
Colton Back ’20, M.B.A.
Director of Athletic Communications & Events
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
(Rev.) Sarah Thomas ’93 Baldwin, D.Min.
Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator
Email: student.life@asbury.edu
Keith Barker ’91, M.F.A.
Professor of Photography, Gallery Director
Email: kbarker@asbury.edu
Kevin Bellew, M.S.
Associate Dean of Wholeness and Wellness
Email: counseling@asbury.edu
Sarah Bellew, M.S.W.
Associate Professor
Director of Field Education
Email: sarah.bellew@asbury.edu
Sharon Bixler, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Education
Associate Professor
Email: sharon.bixler@asbury.edu
Kristi Boss, M.B.A.
Director of Online Undergraduate Admissions & Academic Partnerships
Email: online@asbury.edu
Barb Boyle
Salvation Army Program Specialist
Manager of Windsor Manor
Email: windsor.manor@asbury.edu
Bruce Branan, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Health Professions Advisor
Email: bbranan@asbury.edu
Brian Hobson
Director of Facilities Services and Capital Construction
Email: brian.hobson@asbury.edu
Kim Brockman , Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Associate Dean, School of Education
Email: kim.brockman@asbury.edu
Cory  Brown
Athletic Trainer, MS, ATC
Maria Brown, M.A.
Coordinator of Intercultural Life Programs
Email: interculturallife@asbury.edu
Joe Bruner, M.S.
Assistant Vice President of Student Life
Email: student.life@asbury.edu
Bob Bryant, M.M.
Adjunct Faculty, Bass and Jazz Theory
Email: musicdept@asbury.edu
Judy Buskey ’06
Staff Assistant, Wholeness and Wellness
Email: counseling@asbury.edu
Olivia Butz, M.Div.
Academic Records System Coordinator
Email: registrar@asbury.edu
Tricia Cairel
Executive Assistant to the Provost, CAO
Email: provost@asbury.edu
Caroline Preston
Assistant Director of Strategic Communications
Email: strategic.communications@asbury.edu
John Casper, Ed.D.
Partnership Coordinator and Recruiter, School of Education
Email: gradadmissions@asbury.edu
Steve Clements ’83, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Department Chair
Email: steve.clements@asbury.edu
Jackson Cole ’23
Assistant Baseball Coach
Taylor Collingsworth ’12
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations
Email: alumni@asbury.edu
Faith Combs
GA – ASDN Producer
Rick Cook ’93, M.S.
Instructional Designer/Discovery Administrator
Email: servicedesk@asbury.edu
Randy Crist, Ed.D.
Head Cross Country Coach
Head Track and Field Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
C. Timothy Crook ’75, Ed.D
Associate Professor, Education
Department Chair of Undergraduate Education
Email: tim.crook@asbury.edu
Cheryll Crowe-Johnson ’03, Ph.D.
Professor, Mathematics
Associate Dean, Shaw School of Sciences
Department Chair of Mathematics & Computer Science
Email: cheryll.johnson@asbury.edu
Dana Moutz, M.A.
Staff Assistant – Capital Construction
Email: dana.moutz@asbury.edu
David Trammell
Bookstore Manager, CPO Clerk
Email: cpo@asbury.edu
Johnie Dean, D.M.A.
Associate Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
SACSCOC Institutional Liaison
Instructor of Composition
Email: institutionalresearch@asbury.edu
Kevin Dean ’92, M.Div.
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Strategic Partnerships
Email: advancement@asbury.edu
John DeCuir, Jr.
Adjunct Faculty, Media Communication
Email: gradcom@asbury.edu
Ashley DeMichael, M.A.
Director of Global Initiatives & Programs
Email: studyabroad@asbury.edu
Bonnie Descoteaux ’74, Ed.D.
Chair of Social Work Department
BSW Program Director
Email: bonnie.descoteaux@asbury.edu
Tim DiDiego, M.B.A.
Senior Lecturer, Dayton School of Business
Email: tim.didiego@asbury.edu
Graham Duncan ’16
Head Men’s and Women’s Swimming Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Austin Dunlap ’24
GA – Business Operations
Paul Dupree ’83, M.I.S.
CIO, Assistant V.P. of Information Technology Services
Email: servicedesk@asbury.edu
Evan Duszynski ’11, Ed.D.
Assistant Director of Student Success
Email: cae@asbury.edu
Nancy Ellwood, M.A.
Assistant Registrar for Athletic Compliance and Scheduling
Email: registrar@asbury.edu
Austin England ’20, M.A.
Staff Assistant, Center for Academic Excellence
Email: cae@asbury.edu
Jenny Erny
Staff Assistant, Christian Studies
Email: csp@asbury.edu
Donna Flanigan
Staff Assistant, Communication Arts
Email: donna.flanigan@asbury.edu
Glen Flanigan ’82, Ph.D.
Professor of Music Education
Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble Director
Email: glen.flanigan@asbury.edu
Sammy Fluck
Head Athletic Trainer, MSAT, ATC, LAT
James Freeman, M.A.
Graduate Admissions Officer, School of Education
Email: gradadmissions@asbury.edu
Steven Fugmann
Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Sean Gaffney, M.F.A.
Associate Dean, School of Communication Arts
Professor of Screenwriting
Email: sean.gaffney@asbury.edu
Rev. Juan Gonzalez, M.A.
Coordinator for Intercultural Life
Territory: Secondary Counselor for US Ethnic Minorities
Email: interculturallife@asbury.edu
Chris Gordon ’21
Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Sarah Goul ’24
GA – Social Media
Alesha Graves, D.B.A., CPA
Associate Professor of Accounting
Dean, Dayton School of Business
Email: alesha.graves@asbury.edu
John Greer ’10
Associate Head Men’s Soccer Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Glenn Hamilton ’91, M.B.A.
Vice President for Operations, Title IX Appeals Coordinator
Email: business.office@asbury.edu
Carolyn Hampton
Administrative Assistant, Dean of Students Office
Coordinator for Student Success
Email: student.life@asbury.edu
Glenn Harden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Political Science & History
Email: glenn.harden@asbury.edu
Lisa Harper ’90
Assistant Vice President for Annual Giving
Email: development@asbury.edu
Greg Haseloff, M.Div.
Associate Dean of Spiritual Life & University Pastor
Email: spiritual.life@asbury.edu
Greg Hazlett
Associate Men’s Tennis Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Brenda Hilbert
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Email: human.resources@asbury.edu
Don Hogan
Application Development Team Manager
Email: servicedesk@asbury.edu
Tiffany Horton
Head Volleyball Coach, Senior Woman Administrator
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Gary Howard
Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs
Email: business.office@asbury.edu
Jean Howell
Coordinator of Online Student Care
Email: online@asbury.edu
Brian Hull, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, School of Christian Studies
Department Chair of Christian Ministry
Gardner Scholar
Email: brian.hull@asbury.edu
Scott Irwin
Assistant Director of I.T. Services
Email: servicedesk@asbury.edu
Esther Jadhav, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Intercultural Affairs & Spiritual Development
Email: interculturalaffairs@asbury.edu
Jamie Baker
Facilities Services Staff Assistant
Email: jabaker@asbury.edu
Larry Jarrard ’93
Associate Vice President for Advancement
Email: advancement@asbury.edu
Mathew ’23 Johnson
GA – Sports Information
Elizabeth Jones, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies in Communication
Email: elizabeth.jones@asbury.edu
Lisa Jones, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Instructional Design
Email: lisa.jones@asbury.edu
Wendy Jones
Staff Assistant, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Email: wjones@asbury.edu
Michael Kane, Ph.D.
Professor of Business Administration
Email: mike.kane@asbury.edu
Brad Keesler, D.M.A.
Adjunct Faculty, Trombone and Euphonium
Email: musicdept@asbury.edu
Kali Kells ’17
Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
Megan Kidwell
Staff Assistant for Development
Email: development@asbury.edu
JuRang Kim, M.M.
Adjunct Faculty, Violin and Viola
Email: musicdept@asbury.edu
Sam Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies
Email: sam.kim@asbury.edu
Connie Lamb, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Nursing Program Administrator
Email: connie.lamb@asbury.edu
Abby Laub
Director of Strategic Communications
Email: press@asbury.edu
Robin Lim, M.Div.
Assistant Professor, Business
Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
Email: robin.lim@asbury.edu
Richard Locke, M.Div.
Graduate Assistant
Elizabeth Louden ’18
Resident Director, Glide Crawford
Assistant Director, Residence Life
Email: residencelife@asbury.edu
Blaine May ’20
Assistant Basketball Coach
Head JV Men’s Basketball Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Chad Mayes
Head Women’s Basketball Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Jennifer McChord
Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing
Email: admissions@asbury.edu
Sue McKeown
Director of Audit and Financial Services
Email: business.office@asbury.edu
Michelle Cooper
Merchandising/CPO – Eagle Outlet
Email: EagleOutlet@asbury.edu
Mike Stratford, M.A.
Foundations and Grants Administrator
Email: advancement@asbury.edu
Jarred Miller, M.A.
Director of Undergraduate Residential Admissions
Head Men’s and Women’s Tennis Coach
Email: jarred.miller@asbury.edu
Shannon Montgomery
Coordinator for Cross Cultural Engagement
Email: cce@asbury.edu
John Morley, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of Career and Calling
Email: careerandcalling@asbury.edu
Natasha Clements
Adjunct Faculty, Psychology
Email: counseling@asbury.edu
Randy Nelson
Assistant Vice President for Lead and Planned Giving
Email: plannedgiving@asbury.edu
Steph Nelson
Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Communications
Email: development@asbury.edu
Paul Nesselroade ’89, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Chair of Psychology Department
Director, Honors Program
Email: paul.nesselroade@asbury.edu
Kim Okesson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Communication
Cross-Cultural Engagement Director
Email: kim.okesson@asbury.edu
Emma Ortiz ’21
Assistant Director for Admissions Operations
Email: admissions@asbury.edu
Jim Owens ’79, Ph.D.
Professor of Media Communication
Dean, School of Communication Arts
Department Chair of Media, Journalism, and Digital Storytelling
Department Chair of Communication and Theatre Arts
Email: jim.owens@asbury.edu
Pam Anderson
Administrative Assistant, Business Affairs
Email: business.office@asbury.edu
Margaret Park Smith, M.F.A.
Professor, Art & Design
Art & Design Department Chair
Email: m.parksmith@asbury.edu
Matt Penny, M.Div.
Resident Director, Trustees Hall
Summer Ministry Teams Coordinator
Email: residencelife@asbury.edu
Colton Perkins ’24
GA – Baseball
Emily Poll ’24
Assistant Swim Coach
Grace Raison ’21, M.S.
Assistant Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Randy Richardson, M.A.
Associate Professor of Classical Languages
Email: randy.richardson@asbury.edu
David Riel ’75, Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Education
Director Clinical Experiences
Email: david.riel@asbury.edu
Carolynn Rieser
Administrative Assistant, Enrollment & Marketing
Email: admissions@asbury.edu
Rachel Rinehart, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor, Creative Writing
Marvin Ruffner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biology
Biology Lab Supervisor
Email: marvin.ruffner@asbury.edu
Sara Rosenbeck 
Student Accounts Receivable Specialist
Email: accountspayable@asbury.edu
Jennifer Sarver
Staff Assistant, Shaw School of Sciences
Associate Softball Head Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Mark Schell ’87, D.M.A.
Professor of Church Music and Organ
Department Chair, Music
Men’s Glee Club Director
Email: mark.schell@asbury.edu
Brian Shelton ’89, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology
Dean, School of Christian Studies
Department Chair, Christian Thought
Wesley Scholar in Residence
Email: brian.shelton@asbury.edu
Jim Shores, Ph.D.
Professor of Communications
Program Director of Communications
Email: jim.shores@asbury.edu
Hannah Shultz, M.Div.
Transfer Credit Analyst & Graduate Program Specialist
Email: registrar@asbury.edu
Camille Sigrist
Coordinator for Campus Visits and Events
Email: visit@asbury.edu
Victoria Slocum, Ph.D.
Director of Academic Accessibility Resources
Email: academicaccessibility@asbury.edu
Caleigh Smith ’15, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Youth Ministry
Director, Youth Becoming Leaders
Email: caleigh.smith@asbury.edu
Michelle Smith, M.S.
Associate Professor Sport Management
Chair of Management and Marketing Department
Email: mlsmith@asbury.edu
Stuart Smith ’77, M.A.R.
Special Assistant to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Email: advancement@asbury.edu
Tyler Smith ’17
Women’s Assistant Basketball Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Kimberly Spillman
Constituent & Gift Records Assistant
Email: development@asbury.edu
Valerie Spratt, M.S.
Coordinator of Online Undergraduate Recruitment
Email: online@asbury.edu
Paul Stephens, Ph.D.
AVP of Institutional Research & Strategic Initiatives
Email: institutionalresearch@asbury.edu
Brooke Stickel
Assistant Track and Field Coach
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Daniel Strait, Ph.D.
Professor, English
Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Email: daniel.strait@asbury.edu
Linda Stratford, Ph.D.
Professor, Art History
Director, Paris Semester
Email: lstratford@asbury.edu
Blake Sunny ’21
International and Homeschool Admissions Counselor
Email: blake.sunny@asbury.edu
Heidi Sunny
Director of Student Health Services
Email: health.services@asbury.edu
Sophie Sunny, M.B.A.
Institutional Research & Strategic Initiatives Specialist
Email: institutionalresearch@asbury.edu
Sylvia Sutherland
Staff Assistant, Dayton School of Business
Email: sylvia.sutherland@asbury.edu
Vins Sutlive, Ph.D.
Professor, Science
Dean, Shaw School of Sciences
Department Chair, Science & Health
Email: vins.sutlive@asbury.edu
Bonnie Temple
Coordinator for Undergraduate Programs, School of Education
Email: bonnie.temple@asbury.edu
Lainie Thomas
Executive Assistant to The President
Email: president@asbury.edu
Mark Troyer, Ph.D.
Vice President for Institutional Advancement & Strategic Partnerships
Email: advancement@asbury.edu
Van Collins
Assistant Director of Facilities Services
Email: van.collins@asbury.edu
Joy Vaughan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of New Testament
Email: joy.vaughan@asbury.edu
Emily Walsh ’98, D.B.A.
Associate Professor, Accounting
Department Chair, Accounting & Finance
Faculty Athletic Representative
Email: emily.walsh@asbury.edu
Laura Walther ’91, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Lab Manager
Email: lwalther@asbury.edu
Mark Whitworth ’84, M.S.
Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics & University Communications
Email: athletics@asbury.edu
Cathrin Wilbanks ’11, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Equine Assisted Services
Email: cathrin.wilbanks@asbury.edu
Mary Ann Wilder ’03, D.M.A.
Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano
Coordinator of Keyboard Studies
Email: maryann.wilder@asbury.edu
Lewis Willian, Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Education
Program Director, Educational Leadership
Email: lewis.willian@asbury.edu
Todd Wold, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Communication and Public Relations
Email: todd.wold@asbury.edu
Kyle Yarrow, B.S.
Instructor, Adventure Education & Leadership
Email: kentuckyoutdoorinstitute@asbury.edu
Kiki Yee
Director of Kentucky Outdoor Institute
Email: kentuckyoutdoorinstitute@asbury.edu
Henry Zonio ’97, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Academic Excellence, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Email: cae@asbury.edu