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- Be willing to be wrong
- Build in actual assignments that require faith integration
- High school is teacher-centered learning vs University is student-centered learning
- “Nobody ever called on me so I never answered.”—but give them a quick out, so it feels safe
- Pray for a love for your student
- Don’t over-assign
- Offer frequent, quick, and substantive feedback
- Break your big projects down into several segments across the semester, so an assignment is completed over time
- Pacing of semester – change what comes when in the course sequence
- Think about offering quizzes that test assigned reading
- Go back to students with their work and ask them to do more with it for extra research, association contests
- Extra-credit for a syllabus quiz
- Consider participation grades (attendance policy—make sure this is there)
- Pair up high-achieving students with students who need help
- Study groups? Require meet 2-3 times and then let them choose to continue meeting or not. Have them submit meeting minutes. Learning is social.
- Chronicle series: “small changes”