Homeschool Labs – Asbury University
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Homeschool Labs

Biology and Chemistry Science Labs
Secondary Education Opportunities

Our Goals

Our programs are designed to provide practical lab experience for students who have completed or are currently studying chemistry and/or biology on a high-school level in a home-school environment. Kentucky graduation requirements include “3 credits that shall incorporate lab-based scientific investigation experiences and include the content contained in the Kentucky core academic standards for science.”
Asbury University has the resources to provide your home-schooled student with a top-notch learning experience in a well-equipped laboratory setting.

Our Laboratory Program

Since home school programs use a variety of learning resources, the labs will not always coordinate with your class lessons. However, each lab has been designed as an independent learning unit. The techniques and concepts presented should be universal to any natural science program. A detailed syllabus will be available before classes start.

Our Student Expectations

Students should always come to lab prepared by reading the lab and related material in their own textbooks. Preparing for lab is their homework! Students should be committed to attending all the lab sessions for each semester. No makeup labs can be provided. Tuition cannot be refunded for missed labs. Individual grades will be given for each lab attended each semester. There is no penalty for missing a lab. An appropriate level of maturity and ability to work independently and with a group will be expected.

Semester Schedule

Six labs per semester are scheduled for every two weeks.
      – Fall semester begins September 13, 2024
      – Spring semester begins January 24, 2025
Cancellation and rescheduling of labs may occur.
Home School labs are canceled due to weather only if the campus is closed.


Biology: Walt & Rowena Shaw Collaborative Learning Center, Room 204
Chemistry: Walt & Rowena Shaw Collaborative Learning Center, Room 214


$150 per semester payable to Asbury University online.
Tuition should be paid before the first lab each semester.

Lab Manual

The cost of the manual, which covers two semesters, is included in the Fall tuition. Each student will receive a lab manual during the first lab.


The maximum enrollment is 20 students in biology and 18 students in chemistry.
The minimum enrollment is 8 students. Courses fill quickly. Please enroll ASAP.


Parents or guardians must fill out/sign a Release of Liability and Medical Consent online. Students must obey the safety rules which are included in the manual.


Registration, tuition payments, and the release form are online, along with syllabi and a campus map. This date will be extended if space is still available.
Biology: 1 – 4 p.m.
Chemistry: 1 – 4 p.m.

For more information or questions

Contact: Dr. Laura Walther, or call the Science office: (859) 858-5230

About Asbury University

Asbury University is a Christian Liberal Arts College in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Asbury is located on Rte. 29 off US Rte. 68 approximately 11 miles from New Circle Road in Lexington. View a map and directions to Asbury.