Do not use any hashtags on Asbury social media posts unless they are listed below.
If you have any questions or wish to add a hashtag to this list, please email
#TeamAU (athletics)
#AsburyUmasters (graduate programs)
#AsburyGCC (Great Commission Congress)
#AsburyYBL (Youth Becoming Leaders Camp)
#AsburyOnTheRoad (traveling alumni event)
#AsburySoMu (Sophomore Musical)
#AsburyUgrad (Graduation/Commencement)
#AsburyAccepted (incoming students)
#Courageous2024 (current sophomores)
#Surrendered2023 (current juniors)
#Faithful2022 (current seniors)
#Appointed2021 (newest graduates)
#AsburyASA (Asian Student Alliance)
#AsburyBSA (Black Student Alliance)
#AsburyLSA (Latino Student Alliance)
#AsburyISA (International Student Alliance)
#AsburyAbroad (Asburians traveling abroad)