Health Services Information
The Health Services Clinic provides health services by registered nurses and our staff physician for currently enrolled undergraduate students. Most services, including evaluation and treatment of illness and injury, both acute and chronic, are offered free of charge to full-time undergraduate students. There is a minimal charge for some medications, testing, etc.
To schedule an appointment with our Health Services Clinic, call the office at (859) 858-3511, x2277, or (859) 858-5277, or email
The Health Services Clinic offers appointments with registered nurses who evaluate health problems, treat according to protocol, and contact the University Physician (Provider) as needed. The physician also holds regular clinic hours twice a week. For students carrying at least 9 credit hours, consultations by appointment are available at no charge (with the exception of certain physicals). Services available are similar to those offered by most general physician offices and include:
- Assessment and treatment of illness and injury
- Physical and gynecological exams by a University Provider*
- Allergy injection administration
- Laboratory services* (available at Health Services: COVID-19, flu, strep, mono, blood sugar, urine – or blood drawn and sent to a Lexington laboratory)
- Health education programs and information
- Travel Health Information (PDF)
*View a list of medication and service charges. (Prices are subject to change.)
We are open during the Fall and Spring Semesters when classes are in session.
Nurses’ Hours By Appointment
Monday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Tuesday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Wednesday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Thursday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Friday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Closed for Lunch Daily from Noon – 1 p.m. | |
Closed for Chapel |
Providers’ Hours By Appointment Only
Monday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
Thursday | 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. |
For more information or to schedule your FREE appointment, email or call (859) 858‑3511, x2277 or (859) 858-5277. When you email, please include a brief description of your symptoms or reason for your appointment and the days and times you are available for an appointment. If you leave a phone message, please also include your first and last name and phone number in your message.
- Baptist Health Urgent Care at Brannon Crossing
Walk-ins only
610 Brannon Rd. Suite 100, Nicholasville
(859) 260-5540
Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: 9:00am – 5:00pm. - Concentra Urgent Treatment Center
Walk-ins only
204 Bellaire Dr., Nicholasville
(859) 887-4882
Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm - The Little Clinic at Beaumont Center
Walk-ins or by appointment
3175 Beaumont Centre Circle, Lexington
(859) 219-5152
Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 7:30pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 4:00pm - HealthPoint Wilmore
Walk-ins or by appointment – online scheduling encouraged
*NOTE: accepts uninsured/underinsured patients on a sliding scale – must bring proof of income
200 Rice St., Wilmore
Monday & Thursday: 8:00am – 7:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 9:00am – 4:30pm - Jessamine Medical
By appointment only – same-day appointments available
110 Village Pkwy, Nicholasville
Monday-Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday-Sunday: 9:00am – 2:00pm
Local Hospitals and Emergency Rooms :
Note: Your health insurance may or may not be accepted at the hospitals below. View information on how to use your health insurance.
- Baptist Health Hospital – Lexington
- CHI St. Joseph Hospital – Lexington
- CHI St. Joseph Jessamine – Nicholasville
- University of Kentucky Healthcare Hospital – Lexington
The Emergency Nurse Phone Line is accessible when Health Services is closed. Contact the University switchboard at (859) 858-3511 and ask for the Nurse Triage Line.*
A first-aid kit with over-the-counter medications and supplies is available in each residence hall through the RA or RD.
*Be advised that the nurses who consult with you via this phone line are NOT employed by the Asbury University Health Service and do not have access to your medical record. The University has contracted with a certified professional organization to offer nurse evaluation and sound medical advice/referrals for your medical problem when the Health Service is closed.
**Also note, the after-hours emergency nurse will inform the Health Service of any recommendations made so our nurses can give you the best follow-up care possible.
prospective Students
Deciding on a university is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. As you weigh your options, one factor many students and their parents consider is what level of health care will be available away from home.
The following outlines the enrollment requirements for new students enrolling with nine or more credit hours during Fall and Spring semesters, and offers basic information about the health care we provide for our students.
Required Medical Forms
In order for us to provide safe and thorough health care, Asbury University requires that specific medical information be on file for each incoming student prior to his or her arrival on campus. These requirements are part of the registration process and listed below. You can access these forms and requirements through your Asbury Checklist. These must be completed before you begin classes at Asbury University.
- Completed Health Services Health History Form
- Documentation of Required Immunizations (Immunization record must show your name, birth date, and dates for the following:)
- 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- Tdap within the last 10 years
- Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine
- Copy of Health Insurance Card (Front and Back)
- TB test documentation dated within 12 months if indicated following TB risk assessment (found in Health History)
Although not required for admission, the following immunizations are strongly recommended:
- Hepatitis B vaccine (3 doses for immunity)
- Hepatitis A vaccine
- Polio series
- Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine
- Meningitis B vaccine
- Yearly Influenza vaccine
- COVID-19 vaccine
If you have any questions, please contact Health Services for further information and resources.
Center for Counseling Information
The Center for Counseling offers a wide range of services free of charge to currently enrolled undergraduate students. Integrating counseling practice with Christ-centered principles, our staff of licensed counselors, graduate school interns, and practicum counselors seek to prepare students for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service. Most services are free, and all services are confidential.
NOTE: The Center for Counseling offers services for currently enrolled Graduate and Online Programs students (Kentucky residents) for a fee of $50 per session (no insurance required).
For further details, call the office at (859) 858-3511, x2323 or (859) 858-5277, or email
In a mental/emotional crisis situation, please contact the Center for Counseling directly by phone at (859) 858-5277 during office hours (8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday). In the event of a crisis after hours, contact the RD on call via the Asbury University Switchboard at 859-858-3511 x.0 or call/text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Counseling is a means of facilitating personal growth and development. It also attempts to provide the tools for individuals to cope more effectively with the problems of life, inner conflict, or painful emotions. Counseling can provide encouragement and comfort to those who are suffering from loss, and guidance to those whose behaviors are self-defeating.
Asbury students use the Center for Counseling for a variety of reasons. Typical problems might include depression, anxiety, family problems, stress, poor self-esteem, relationship problems, eating disorders and negative body image, sexual abuse, stress and anxiety triggered by academic struggles, concerns about a friend or family member, or many others.
Students will meet with one of our trained Christian counselors who will listen and ask questions to help define and clarify concerns, explore the many possibilities that may exist for change, and develop a strategy or plan for action. Counseling is a process where students can expect to feel support and guidance, to discover strategies for better coping, and to have the freedom to speak honestly about their feelings.
The Center for Counseling is dedicated to providing quality counseling services to students of Asbury University. It is the intention of the Center to protect your confidential information as required by law and in keeping with your rights. Our standards are based on Kentucky’s law of informed consent.
All information is private and will not be shared with anyone beyond the Center for Counseling staff. There may be times when a student is receiving services from both the Center for Counseling and Student Health Services. Information may be disclosed between these two offices under the same State statutes.
No information, including the fact that you are receiving counseling, will be shared with relatives, professors, or university authorities without your written permission. The only exceptions are:
- when there is risk of harm to the student or another person; counselors have a legal and ethical duty to do whatever is necessary to protect life;
- when a court of law orders a counselor to release information, the counselor is bound by law to comply with such an order;
- when the counselor is obligated by law to report suspicion of physical or sexual abuse or risk of such abuse;
- if you are under 18 years of age, the Center for Counseling will not contact your parents, but by law parents can request information from your file with or without your written permission.
Occasionally, situations arise which would interfere with an effective professional counseling relationship such as having a counselor as a current professor or the counselor having previous information about you from another source such as family or friends. In these cases, you will be assigned to a different counselor to protect your privacy and information will not be shared with the counselor with whom you have outside contact.
If you have further questions about confidentiality, please call the Center for Counseling at (859) 858-3511, x2277.
Launching a child into university is often a frightening situation for parents as well as the student. Faced with the sudden change in family dynamics and a sense of, “How will my child ever survive without me?” or, “How will I ever survive without my child?”, parents may worry about their child’s health, well-being, academic work, friendships, and a variety of other concerns.
We have good news for you: This is all very normal! Plenty of parents deal with these same issues.
For parents, the best way to find out exactly how your child is doing is to ask them directly and be patient and loving in listening and responding.
Students typically seek counseling for several reasons such as stress, loneliness, family issues, eating disorders, relationship problems, and worries about a variety of other issues. Often, students just need a place to safely vent frustrations, talk over concerns, and seek guidance for their continued well-being and emotional growth. If your student seeks services from the Center for Counseling, he or she is covered by a confidentiality policy. Because of this confidentiality policy, we will not be able to confirm or deny whether your child is attending counseling without his or her written consent.
Help your son or daughter by keeping your own perspective clear. You should maintain your own support systems, allow yourself to feel the changing emotions that are likely to occur when a child leaves home to attend university, but continue or develop new interests and hobbies to maintain your own sense of well-being. Your child needs to see you continue to live your life as fully as possible.
Launching your child successfully will require a lot of work, preparation, and finally letting go. With this comes a need to trust that you have given your young adult son or daughter the tools he or she will need to face life’s challenges. For more information on ways to maximize the successful transition of your son or daughter into college and adulthood, check out the following resources:
The Transition Year – Returning Home from College
Set to Go – Your guide to the transition from high school to college and adulthood, an online resource center to help parents and students focus on emotional health before, during and after the college transition