Student Code of Conduct

Asbury University’s Student Code of Conduct

Welcome home! I hope that you have found—or will find—Asbury University to be a home for you. During my undergraduate years, Asbury was my home. Not only was it the place where I slept, ate and studied, Asbury was my spiritual grounding. Through my Asbury experience, I grew in my identity as a child of God and developed in my understanding of who God has created me to be. I also experienced friendship and mentorship at Asbury that has blessed me greatly throughout my life. My vision for you is that you will experience the love of God in the context of a grace-filled, authentic community that encourages you to follow Jesus with your whole heart and being. 

This year is significant to your life journey. In the following weeks and months, you will be climbing a mountain of academic preparation, spiritual challenge and emotional development. You will have choices to make every day that really count as you climb this mountain. Choose to embrace the good and the hard that will come your way and see how God will use these experiences to shape and refine you. Believe that this year is not “just another year.” It’s a year that will become part of your story of how you understand yourself and God. Be “all in” this year. Be available to God. Push yourself to be present academically. Dive into scripture. Be vulnerable and authentic with your friends. Invite mentorship. Seek out physical challenge. Work hard. Breathe deeply of the real community that you will find here. 

As your Student Life team, we are committed to climbing this mountain with you. We are dedicating this next year of our lives to walking with you, holding you accountable, mentoring, shaping, encouraging and dreaming with you. We are willing to have hard conversations and to encourage you to become who you were created to be. We are a resource for you, and no matter what—we are on your side.

This Handbook for Community Life is a guide for us to participate in and contribute to life at Asbury. We want to be a community that reflects God’s love, grace and holiness. We need each other to do that. Let’s do life together this year! Climb well! We are with you on your journey.

— The Student Life team

(Rev.) Sarah Thomas ’93 Baldwin, D.Min.
Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students, Title IX Coordinator
859-858-3511 ext 2116
Henry Zonio ’97, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Academic Excellence, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
859-858-3511 ext 2375
Glenn Hamilton ’91, M.B.A.
Vice President for Operations, Title IX Appeals Coordinator
859-858-3511 ext 2106

Prohibited Behavior 

Sexual Harassment Under Title IX is conduct on the basis of sex that occurs in the University’s education program or education activity and satisfies one of the following conditions: 

  1. An employee of the University conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the recipient on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct. This type of sexual harassment is also referred to as Quid Pro Quo.;
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the University’s education program or activity. This type of sexual harassment is also referred to as Hostile Environment.; or
  3. “Sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a) (10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a) (30).

Sexual Misconduct is the following conduct regardless of where it occurs provided one or both of the parties is a member of the University Community: 

  1. Sexual Assault
  2. Stalking
  3. Dating Violence
  4. Domestic Violence
  5. Sexual Exploitation

Individuals may be charged with violating the regulations for either category of prohibited behavior

Reporting a Concern

Making a report is not the same as filing a formal complaint.   

Any individual can make a report of behavior that could violate these regulations. Only individuals who are employees or students engaging in or seeking to engage in a University program or activity may serve as a complainant.  If you are not sure whether you are required to report, please contact Dr. Sarah Baldwin (Title IX Coordinator) or Dr. Henry Zonio (Deputy Title IX Coordinator).  

Individuals who believe they have experienced behavior that violates the regulations can make a report and request supportive measures without filing a formal complaint.   

Once a report is made, an investigator will reach out to the individual experiencing the behavior to discuss options available to the individual. This includes discussing whether the individual is interested in filing a formal complaint, supportive measures that are available, and how to file a police report, if the individual chooses to do so. Individuals who have experienced behavior that could violate the regulations are not required to respond to outreach from the Title IX team. The Title IX team will take no action without request from or notification to the person experiencing the behavior.   

Private Reporting and Responsible Employees

All full-time University employees are responsible employees and are required to forward any report of a violation of these regulations to the Title IX team as soon as possible. If you are not sure whether you are required to report, please contact Dr. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. Henry Zonio.  

Responsible Employees are required to provide the Title IX team with the name of the person experiencing the behavior and any other information provided to them related to the concerns.   

Once a report is made, an investigator will reach out to the individual experiencing the behavior to discuss options available to the individual. This includes discussing whether the individual is interested in filing a formal complaint, supportive measures that are available, and how to file a police report, if the individual chooses to do so. Individuals who have experienced behavior that could violate these regulations are not required to respond to outreach from the Title IX team, and the Title IX team will take no action without request from or notification to the person experiencing the behavior.    

Filing a Formal Complaint

Any member of the University community may file a formal complaint. A formal complaint is a signed document containing allegations and a request that they be investigated. Individuals who need assistance in filing a formal complaint may contact Dr. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. Henry Zonio for assistance.  


University policy prohibits retaliation against any party cooperating in the investigation of an alleged violation of University policy or proceeding. Retaliation includes threatening, intimidating, harassing, coercing, or any other conduct that would discourage a reasonable person from engaging in activity protected under this policy. Retaliatory behavior is not limited to behavior by the accused individual, and covers behavior by his or her associates, as well as third parties.   

Retaliation may be reported to Dr. Sarah Baldwin or Dr. Henry Zonio and is considered an independent allegation that may lead to interim measures or disciplinary action.  

We are here to Help.

Sarah Baldwin