The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires each of its member institutions to plan and implement a quality enhancement plan. The SACSCOC requirements include:
The Asbury University 2019-2029 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), The Imago Dei Initiative: Embracing Cultural Responsibility aims to foster and cultivate cultural competency as an institutional initiative. The focus of this plan is consonant with, and motivated by, our school’s theological understanding grounded within the Wesleyan tradition. Specifically, we believe that all humans bear God’s image, that we are both relationally constituted and situated in differing cultural contexts that shape our understanding of the social order, and that the cultivation of “cultural responsibility,” wherein we understand and appreciate each other not simply as individuals but as products of these differing cultural contexts, is an earthly development of a heavenly reality. Across the University, steps will be taken to enhance hospitality on campus, to diversify the student body, faculty, and staff, and to present a clear theological premise underlying these pursuits.
Updated QEP Prospectus for Asbury University
The following student learning outcomes for the project were identified once the topic was determined and further discussion of the data occurred:
Asbury University has identified the following timeline for the development of its next Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP):
Timeline for QEP at Asbury University
View the complete QEP below.
For more information about the University’s 2019 QEP (The Imago Dei Initiative: Embracing Cultural Responsibility) or the QEP planning process, please contact The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning at
(859) 858-5000