On February 3, 1970, revival swept our campus and then our nation. 50 years later, in February 2020, we gathered to remember this significant and impactful outpouring that flooded across the nation. See below for recordings from this special anniversary event.
In honor of Asbury University’s 1970 Revival 50th Anniversary Celebration, alumni shared stories and accounts from the 1970 Revival.
“We saw God at work wherever we went. The thing that affected me was the honesty, truth, and openness of everyone because we were in a holy place. Truth and righteousness were supreme. It was wonderful that my entire family was there and experienced the revival together those first few days before my parents went home to Michigan. God’s Presence was so near.”Linda Six ’72
“Within minutes the Spirit came and everyone felt His unexplainable presence. The greatest thing I constantly witnessed and experienced was our equality before Him. We all were overwhelmed- the Eternal Power did not berate us, and conviction came because of His Holiness enveloping us in love. That is with me to this day.”Paul Veldhuizen ’72
“I was a senior at Asbury Seminary preparing for pastoral ministry when the revival came. A carload of Greenville College (University) grads like myself drove all night to Greenville, Illinois to be in the chapel the next morning. After a few of us shared what we had witnessed in Wilmore, students spontaneously began streaming to the altar.”Joe Culumber
“I was a student at Asbury in February of 1970 and very involved in the revival and the outreaches that spawned from the outpouring. I traveled to many churches, colleges and countries telling the story of God’s visitation to the campus, with always the same resulting outpouring of God’s presence and power.”Bruce Roy ’71
“Loud shouts of praise erupted from the audience; it was a watershed moment at which I believe the Holy Spirit fell on us all filling that Holy place. It was exhilarating and astounding. I couldn’t sleep for three days and nights. I only left Hughes to eat, shower and change clothes all those days. It was just too exciting to miss anything. The praying, the singing, the praises and just experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit.”Timothy Walz ’73
“As a freshman my life and ministry was forever changed by One DIVINE MOMENT.”Kenneth Keene ’73
“My husband and I were students at that time, and I remember thinking, “God is here… and there’s no place else I’d rather be!” We did leave to go to our dorms to sleep, but we didn’t really want to leave Hughes Auditorium. To be in God’s presence is the greatest gift! We will never forget that holy time!”Mica Roughton ’71
“I am learning that the Spirit of God knows no constraints of time or space. I also know that this incredible move of God in 1970 is but a foretaste of what awaits us in the coming days, weeks, months and years.”Charles Faupel ’73
“I was a junior in high school in Lexington, Ky. My brother Tim was a freshman at Asbury and was converted during the Revival. Tim and Eddie Robb ’73 came to Youth in Action for Christ (YAC) to give their testimonies. That night, I was convicted of my sins and gloriously converted with four of my best friends. It all happened in a parked car outside the home where YAC took place. The next day, I began to witness at school and felt a call to preach. Of the five boys, two of us went into full-time Christian service.”Tim Philpot ’75
“Accounts of the ’70 Revival shaped my beliefs about how powerfully and suddenly God can move on people, churches, cities and nations.”Ralph Sigler ’81
“I was in my first year at Asbury Theological Seminary when the Revival began in Hughes. A friend came to tell us about it, so we walked across the street and through the snow in the semicircle to see what was happening. When I walked through the door, I could feel the presence of God. Some of us said, ‘It was so thick you could cut it with a knife.’ Others said it was the Shekinah glory of God that had invaded the auditorium. I felt compelled to stay and only left when I absolutely had to. It was easy to get caught up in the glory and praise.”Daniel Casselberry ’69
“I was a freshman in 1970. I never got over the Revival. I have witnessed many times of revival since then. I have really never stopped traveling and giving witness.”Gary Wright ’73
“The Asbury Revival changed my life and my relationship with the Lord. I was a fairly new Christian at the time as I gave my life to Jesus in my senior year. When the Revival happened, I was so taken in with what was happening around me, all the honest testimonies of all the students. I felt God’s presence all around me. It was hard for me to call my parents and tell them what was happening as, being raised in the Methodist Church all my life, I never had or knew this experience. I have been able to tell the Revival story all through my working experience, from Church to the office. Now that I am retired, I have even more time to serve and share that experience.”James Sharp ’72
“On the evening of Feb. 2, 1970, The King’s Daughters Trio (Sarah Doersam ’72 Dawson, Kathy VanSciver ’72 Jamison and myself Lynette Gibson ’72 Wood) were practicing our songs for the next morning’s open Chapel. As we ended with prayer, there was a sense of electricity in the air and we looked at each other and said, ‘Something’s going to happen tomorrow morning! God’s going to show up!’ The next morning, we could still feel that electricity in the air as we anticipated the advent of the Spirit’s coming into Chapel. To this day, if I meet someone who was there, we just look at each other and stand silently, usually with a tear. I am honored to have experienced standing on holy ground.”Lynette Gibson ’72 Wood