On February 8, 2023, what began as a routine Wednesday Chapel service with the student body turned into a multi-week Outpouring that some have described as a revival.
Led by students, the impromptu services attracted college students from hundreds of other colleges and universities from around the world. News of the continuous prayer and worship spread around the world and attracted people to Wilmore from as far away as Russia and Japan. Media outlets arrived en masse to cover the spiritual awakening among students with countless reports of healing, salvation, and re-dedications to Christ flooding the news. Asbury staff, faculty, students and volunteers worked tirelessly to welcome the visitors of all ages to campus, with orderly lines to get into Hughes extending a half-mile long. Many small businesses joined in the work the Lord was doing on Asbury’s campus by serving food to the crowds. The Outpouring lasted for 16 days, culminating in a service specifically for students on February 23, 2023.
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Since the events in February 2023, many have asked, “what happened to the Asbury revival?” The community has worked hard to share what God did and spread the Gospel globally. Asbury’s pastoral care staff continues to disciple and mentor students impacted by the Outpouring through different initiatives on campus. Multiple groups of students have traveled nationally and internationally to share their testimonies and encourage churches while hearing reports of similar movements happening in other parts of the world.
The Outpouring continued to make headlines one year later. Here are some of the reports from news outlets around the world and Christian magazines.
The Ambassador is a full-color publication mailed three times a year to alumni, parents and friends three times a year. The Ambassador serves as a link between the University and its constituency and builds loyalty and awareness of Asbury so readers will joyfully and sacrificially commit to the school’s vision and mission.
Read the Ambassador’s Spring 2023 issue Asbury Outpouring: A Flame Advancing to hear testimonies by students, faculty, and staff.
Hundreds of news outlets around the world reported on the Asbury Outpouring. Here are some of their reports.
The Asbury podcast is produced primarily by students and features succinct and impactful God-honoring conversations that inform, edify and encourage.
The Outpouring Podcasts can be found on Asbury’s This Is Asbury podcast, available wherever you listen to your podcasts! Or check out:
Lower in Humility: Reflections on two years after the Outpouring with Zach Meerkreebs. Listen here.
Outpouring Celebration, Part 3 — Scaffolding a movement.
Outpouring Celebration, Part 2 — “No Celebrity but Jesus”
Outpouring Celebration, Part 1 — “You knew you were sitting with Jesus”
Outpouring Stories with recent graduates
A year ago, God generously poured out His power, presence, kindness, and gentleness, which captivated a generation and a lot of Christian leaders who needed hope. In Galatians 6:9, it says 'Don't grow weary for doing good, for in due time you will reap what you sow.' I think the Outpouring was an encouragement for those who were weary, getting to experience the reaping for those 16 days and even now."
The Outpouring was a spontaneous work of God filled with many examples of His grace. There were times when human, financial, and material resources appeared unexpectedly that allowed us to meet the needs of our Asbury community and guests. Some of my friends who were skeptical of 'religion' encountered the living Christ during the Outpouring. As a result of the Outpouring, I approach each day with renewed anticipation of God's work in my life and new eyes to recognize His activities throughout the world."
I remember a young lady calling and saying that she felt Christ would not meet her where she was unless she could make it to the Outpouring. I got to share with her that God is one-on-one and meets us wherever we are. We prayed together, and she accepted Jesus over the phone. She was relieved, thankful that she could know Jesus, and hopeful for the future."
The Outpouring was something that I needed because it made me a witness that God still moves in His people today. It also showed me that our generation is like Timothy in the Bible: We are inexperienced when it comes to preaching the word of God, yet we hunger to know Him more and more every day. Lastly, it showed me that God places us in different paths of life because He wants us to grow. His word never returns empty-handed. It always makes an impact in the hearts of those who hear Him."
His Spirit changed the atmosphere and went beyond Hughes. The most precious moments I had involved meaningful conversations in the dining hall and meeting new people throughout the city who had a hunger for God. Jesus is truly amazing, and I am so grateful that I had the chance to encounter His presence in such a tangible way on this campus before I graduate."
In the last couple of weeks, I cannot help but think of Jesus as so much more present and active in my life. My prayer life has been reignited and I depend on His Spirit even more day to day. Jesus has brought me deep-seated joy and peace by reminding me of how good He is."
God completely changed my life through the Outpouring of His Spirit. He has placed new callings on my heart. Now, I know my job is to go and spread the fire that He released here."