Mathematics Department News – Page 3 – Asbury University
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Meet the Expert: Dr. Duk Lee

August 2, 2015 — When Asbury University alumni return to campus for Reunion, one of the things they say goes something like, “When I came to class, I knew I wasn’t just another student to my professor. He knew me, he challenged me, and I’m better at what I do now because he knew what he was talking about.” In an ongoing web series this fall, Asbury will feature just a few of the faculty at Asbury who are making a difference in both their subject areas and their classrooms.

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Asbury Origami: A Tutorial

August 1, 2015 — For Asbury University Math Professor Duk Lee, origami is both art and science, an exercise in patience and a celebration of beauty (see related article in the Summer 2012 issue of the Ambassador magazine). To try your hand at origami, choose one of the paths below.