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Faith and Medicine

Faith and Medicine discussed the topics of stem cell research, end-of-life care, bioethics, biogenetics and cloning.


Monday, November 30, 2009

  • Dr. David Stevens – Chapel, 10 a.m. – “Faith and Medicine”
  • Movie Night – “Gattaca”

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

  • Faith and Medicine Open Panel Discussion – Student Center, 7 p.m.:
    • Dr. David Stevens, M.D., C.E.O. of the Christian Medical and Dental Association
    • Dr. Richard Swenson, futurist, physician-researcher, author, and educator of cultural medicine, health and faith, and former associate clinical professor with the University of Wisconsin Medical School-Department of Family Medicine
    • Dr. James R. Thobaben, professor of Church in Society at Asbury Theological Seminary
    • Dr. Neil Anderson, associate professor of Bible-Theology and Philosophy at Asbury University

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

  • Dr. Richard Swenson – Chapel, 10 a.m. – “Crowned with Glory and Honor…and Biotech Enhancement?”
  • Practitioner’s Panel – Kinlaw Library Board Room:
    • Sharon Hepner, R.N., neonatal intensive care
    • Jeremy Corbett, M.D. ’01, emergency medicine
    • Gary Wortz, M.D. ’00, ophthalmology
    • Marshall Wise, M.D. ’98, allergy & immunology
    • Jonathan Hundley, M.D. ’95, transplant surgeon


Dr. David Stevens

Dr. David Stevens is the chief executive officer of the Christian Medical and Dental Association, the nation’s largest faith-based organization of doctors. Prior to his service with CMA, Dr. Stevens served as medical director of Samaritan’s Purse. In Somalia, Dr. Stevens led an emergency medical team that treated 45,000 suffering Somalis in the midst of war. In the Sudan, medical teams under his leadership treated over 25,000 villagers to stop the spread of an epidemic. Dr. Stevens also served as executive officer and medical superintendent of Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya.

Dr. Richard Swenson

Dr. Richard Swenson is a full-time futurist, physician-researcher, author, and educator. As a physician, his focus is cultural medicine, researching the intersection of health and culture. As a futurist, his emphasis is fourfold: the future of the world system, western culture, faith, and healthcare. He also has researched extensively and written on the future of healthcare, helping to initiate a national multidisciplinary group examining the health care crisis and exploring new paradigms. He is author of six books, including the best-selling Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives and The Overload Syndrom: Learning to Live Within Your Limits, both award-winning.

Dr. James R. Thobaben

Dr. Thobaben holds a B.A. from Oberlin College, M.Div. from Yale University Divinity Schoo,; M.P.H. from Yale University, and Ph.D. from Emory University. Dr. Thobaben came to Asbury Theological Seminary in 1995 with a wide range of experience in ethics. Most recently, he served as vice president for ethics and research at Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center. He was also a visiting ethics scholar at the University of Missouri’s Molecular Biology Program.


Dr. Neil Anderson

Dr. Neil Anderson holds a Ph.D. and M. Phil. from Drew University, M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and B.A. from Asbury University. Dr. Anderson is the author of A Definitive Study of Evidence Concerning John Wesley’s Appropriation of the Thought of Clement of Alexandria. His interesting research includes the unfolding of classical Christian doctrine over time, from the ante-Nicene fathers through high medieval Scholasticism and the Reformers, both on the Continent and in England. More specifically, his research examined soteriological development in early Eastern Christianity and the problem of divine providence and human freedom with respect to the proposal known as Molinism. He currently serves as Associate Professor of Bible-Theology and Philosophy at Asbury University.