Earning your degree is one of the most important investments you will make. Financial Aid and Scholarships can help you realize your dream by making it more accessible and affordable.
All Asbury online undergraduate programs have the same per-credit hour tuition cost.
Use the steps below to apply for financial aid as a student in one of Asbury’s online undergraduate programs.
Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
The FAFSA is used to determine what scholarships, grants, loans and payment plans are available to you. Asbury’s school code is: 001952.
Note: To minimize errors and delays in processing, we encourage students to use the updated secure IRS Data Retrieval Tool when completing the FAFSA, automatically linking your previous year’s tax return.
Note: The Department of Education will randomly select FAFSAs for verification. You will be notified on your Student Aid Report (SAR) and must upload additional documents through the Verify My FAFSA system. Other documentation could include IRS tax transcripts for you (and your spouse, if applicable) and a verification worksheet completed and signed by you (and your spouse, if applicable).
If you feel that the information submitted on the FAFSA does not accurately portray your current financial situation, a professional judgment may be warranted. This is done in circumstances such as loss of employment, death of a parent, divorce, extreme medical bills, and the like. Please access the appropriate form for detailed information.
2025-26 Financial Aid & Professional Judgement Form for DEPENDENT
2025-26 Financial Aid & Professional Judgement Form for INDEPENDENT
Step 2: Complete the Asbury online undergraduate aid application
All Online Undergraduate students wishing to be considered for financial aid must complete an Online Undergraduate Aid Application annually. This form, along with the FAFSA, will enable us to determine your financial aid eligibility.
Students transferring to one of Asbury University’s online undergraduate programs with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible for a Transfer Scholarship of up to $1200. Students with a GPA below 3.0 may qualify for a reduced benefit.
Note: If you are ineligible for this scholarship during your first semester or begin at the reduced level, you can earn the $1200 scholarship through your academic performance.
For Asbury’s total cost of attendance, see here.
Undergraduate Online Admissions
(859) 858-5772