2025-2026 Academic Year
Tuition |
Per Semester
Per Year |
12 – 18 credit hours |
$16,872 |
$33,744 |
Under 12 credit hours
$1,297/hour |
$1,297/hour |
Over 18 credit hours
$956/hour |
$956/hour |
Student Fees
$299 |
$598 |
Housing |
Double Room |
$3,447 |
$6,894 |
Single Room
$3,750 |
$7,500 |
Triple Room
$3,091 |
$6,182 |
Quad Room
$2,945 |
$5,890 |
Aldersgate 4-Person Apartments |
$4,784 |
$9,568 |
Aldersgate 8-Person Apartments |
$4,345 |
$8,690 |
Food |
20 Meals per week
$2,049 |
$4,098 |
14 Meals per week
$1,889 |
$3,778 |
7 Meals per week* |
$1,009 |
$2,018 |
*7 Meal Plan is only available to residents of the Aldersgate Apartments.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Tuition |
Per Semester
Per Year |
12 – 18 credit hours |
$16,536 |
$33,072 |
Under 12 credit hours
$1,272/hour |
$1,272/hour |
Over 18 credit hours
$918/hour |
$918/hour |
Student Fees
$284 |
$568 |
Housing |
Double Room |
$3,413 |
$6,826 |
Single Room
$3,713 |
$7,426 |
Triple Room
$3,060 |
$6,120 |
Quad Room
$2,916 |
$5,832 |
Aldersgate 4-Person Apartments |
$4,737 |
$9,474 |
Aldersgate 8-Person Apartments |
$4,302 |
$8,604 |
Food |
20 Meals per week
$1,989 |
$3,978 |
14 Meals per week
$1,834 |
$3,668 |
7 Meals per week* |
$980 |
$1,960 |
*7 Meal Plan is only available to residents of the Aldersgate Apartments.
2026 Summer School*
4 Week Session |
Tuition |
$563 per credit hour |
Housing (Aldersgate 8-Person Apartments) |
$920 |
Food (14 Meals – excludes breakfast) |
Not Offered for Summer Semester |
2025 Summer School*
4 Week Session |
Tuition |
$552 per credit hour |
Housing (Aldersgate 8-Person Apartments) |
$911 |
Food (14 Meals per week – excludes breakfast) |
Not Offered for Summer Semester |
*Prices subject to change prior to start of semester.