Dr. Dryjanska obtained an international joint PhD in Social Representations and Communication (social psychology) in 2012 from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Raising awareness and engaging in research and teaching about human trafficking and modern slavery has been on her heart since over a decade. While living, studying and working in Quito, Ecuador, she saw some examples of child slavery, often related to the problem of street kids. Since 2009 she has been active on the Shadow Children Committee in Italy dedicated to raising funds for shelters for street children in different countries and organizing conferences on this topic. She has published a research article on the topic of sex trafficking, objectification and dehumanization in Papers on Social Representations, book chapters in the Handbook of Sex Trafficking and Paths to the Prevention and Detection of Human Trafficking, and an advocacy article in the Journal of Human Trafficking. She has implemented a number of human trafficking awareness-raising initiatives, including featuring a documentary about slavery to young people, speaking to service clubs in Italy and Southern California about this topic, and launching diverse events on campus at Biola University.

She has presented on the topic of human trafficking during a number of scientific and advocacy-oriented events, including a small meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology in Trento (Italy) in 2015, APA Convention in Toronto in 2015, APA Convention in Washington, D.C. in 2017, APA Convention in San Francisco in 2018, and APA Convention in San Diego in 2020, as well as networked with other scientists and activists during the Freedom from Slavery Forum in Palo Alto in 2017 and regular meetings of the Orange Country Human Trafficking Task Force. Finally, concerning teaching about this social issue, she has developed two courses on human trafficking for psychology undergraduate and graduate students, as well as an online lifelong learning course.

Dr. Dryjanska is active in various divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA), including Div. 1 (General Psychology), Div. 9 (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues), Div. 14 (Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology), and Div. 52 (International Psychology). In July 2020, she received the Citizen Psychologist Award from the APA Div. 1 (General Psychology), for her involvement in advocating for human trafficking victims.

Dr. Dryjanska endorses a robust vision of a global citizen psychologist. She was awarded the Fellow status by the American Psychological Association (Divisions 1 and 9).

In 2022, she was appointed the chair of the “Big Tent” of the Alliance for Work and Organizational Psychology, and she has been promoting human trafficking prevention also as an industrial-organizational psychologist.


PhD, Social Representations and Communication (social psychology), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 2012

Recent publications (since 2021):



  • Dryjanska, L. (2023). Proculturation shaped by social representations of academic migrants from Italy to the United States. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1173915.
  • Roggenbaum, L., Wang, D. C., Dryjanska, L., Holmes, E., Lewis, B. A., & Brown, E. M. (2023). Secondary Traumatic Stress, Religious Coping, and Medical Mistrust among African American Clergy and Religious Leaders. Religions, 14(6), 793.
  • Dryjanska, L., & Battista, P. (2023). COVID-19’s Impact on the World’s Population. In H. R. Searight, (Ed.) Covid-19: Health Disparities and Ethical Challenges Across the Globe, (pp. 51-69). Springer.
  • Brown, K. & Dryjanska, L. (2023). Disparities, Discrimination, and Advocacy. In H. R. Searight, (Ed.) Covid-19: Health Disparities and Ethical Challenges Across the Globe, (pp. 91-109). Springer.
  • Dryjanska, L., Zlotnick, & Suckerman, S. (2023). English-Speaking Immigrants in Israel During the Pandemic: Challenges and Pathways to Resilience. The Counseling Psychologist, 51(2), 150-179.
  • Liu, S., Canada, A., & Dryjanska, L. (2023). Effect of Imagining God’s Perspective on Perceptions of Personhood in Dementia. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 35(1), 71-88. http://doi:10.1080/15528030.2021.1977760
  • Dryjanska, L. (2022). Psychology Applied to Prevention and Detection of Human Trafficking. In S. K. Andrews and C. M. Crawford (Ed.), Paths to the Prevention and Detection of Human Trafficking (pp. 44-63). IGI Global.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2022). Advocacy Learning by Doing: Human Trafficking Course for Graduate Clinical Psychology Students. Journal of Human Trafficking, 8(2), 195-210.
  • Mannheimer, R., Dryjanska, L., Pacifici Noja, U., Rami, F., & Pacifici, G. (2022). From Pandemic to Conflict(s). Global Health Under Attack. Unicamillus Global Health Journal 2(1), 11-21.
  • Rami, F., Searight, R. N., Dryjanska, L., & Battista, P. (2022). COVID-19 – International Psychology’s Role in Addressing Healthcare Disparities and Ethics in Marginalized Communities. International Perspectives in Psychology, 11(2), 80–88.
  • Dryjanska, L. & Pacifici, G. (2022). Evil in the Modern World: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Springer.
  • Dryjanska, L. & Pacifici, G. (2022). Introduction: complex evil. In L. Dryjanska and G. Pacifici (Eds.), Evil in the Modern World: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 1-9). Springer.
  • Dryjanska, L., Sanchez, J. N. & Parke, J. (2022). Forced migration, modern slavery, and the evil of shattered dreams. In L. Dryjanska and G. Pacifici (Eds.), Evil in the Modern World: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 83-100). Springer.
  • Pacifici, G. & Dryjanska, L. (2022). Afterword: the obscure component. In L. Dryjanska and G. Pacifici (Eds.), Evil in the Modern World: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 203-206). Springer.
  • Dryjanska, L., Kostalova, J., & Vidović, D. (2022). Higher Education Practices for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development. In C. Păunescu, K. L. Lepik, N. Spencer (Eds.), Social Innovation in Higher Education. Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management (pp. 107-128). Springer.
  • de Rosa, A. S., Bocci, E., & Dryjanska, L. (2022). Paris-paradis ou Paris-enfer? Le deux faces de la ville souterraine et de surface. In M. De Alba, M. Dargentas, C. Fraisse (Eds.), Représentations sociales des espaces de vie (pp. 107-122). Presses Universitaires Rennes.
  • Zlotnick, C., Dryjanska, L., & Suckerman, S. (2022). Health literacy, resilience and perceived stress of migrants in Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology & Health, 37(9), 1076-1092. http://doi:10.1080/08870446.2021.1921177
  • Zlotnick, C., Dryjanska, L., & Suckerman, S. (2022). Factors Linked to Accessing COVID-19 Recommendations among Working Migrants. Public Health Nursing, 39(1), 24-32. http://doi: 10.1111/phn.12982
  • Dryjanska, L., Zlotnick, & Suckerman, S. (2021). Agency of English-Speaking Migrant Women during the Pandemic in Israel. Journal of Constructivist Psychology.
  • Dryjanska, L., Sachin, J., Glazer, S., & Ion, A. (2021). New trends in workplace psychology from around the world. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 59(2), 31-34.
  • Dryjanska, L. & Zlotnick, C. (2021). Acculturation of Migrant Latinos in a Positive Psychology Framework. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 43(3), 155-173.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). Families and Family Values in Poland. In I. Albert, M. Emirhafizovic, C. Shpigelman, and U. Trummer (Eds), Families and Family Values in Society and Culture (pp. 329-344). Information Age Publishing.
  • Glazer, S., Roach, K. N., Dalal, R., Dryjanska, L., Ion, A., Kwantes, C. T., Moukarzel, R., O’Donnell, D. J. & Robie, C. (2021). Culture-Infused Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 58(3), 26-31.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). What Can Organizations Do to Combat Human Trafficking? In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (pp. 887-899). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3473-1.ch063
  • Bocci, E., de Rosa, A. S., & Dryjanska, L. (2021). Destination@-Branding and Re-Branding of Ten European Capitals. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (pp. 1690-1708). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3473-1.ch116
  • de Rosa, A. S., Bocci, E., & Dryjanska, L. (2021). Rapid Changes in Approaching First-Time Destination Historical Cities. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technology (pp. 1709-1722). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3473-1.ch117

Recent presentations (since 2021):

  • Dryjanska, L. (2023). Beyond the Ideal Victim: Expanding Our View of Human Trafficking. American Association of Service Coordinators. January 19. Webinar.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2022). It’s never too early to empower women. Women X Impact Annual Event. November 17-19. FICO Eataly World, Bologna, Italy.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2022). Human trafficking and the history of complex trauma among older persons. National Service Coordinator Conference. August 14-17. Anaheim Marriott, Anaheim, CA, United States.
  • Hall, M. C., McMichael, S. L., Dryjanska, L., & Kwan, V. S. Y. (2022). Effects of a Brief Exposure to Nature or Social Media. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Division 8 — Society for Personality and Social Psychology). August 4-6. Minneapolis, MA, United States: Hybrid event.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2022). Positive organizational psychology and faith. Conference of the American Scientific Affiliation. July 29 – August 1. Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, CA, United States.
  • O’Donnell, D.J., Jain, S., Goro, M., Wang, M., Brown, S., Impelman, K., Dryjanska, L., Haas, J., Mishra, V., & Hreniuc, D. (2022). A Conversation on increasing International Membership [Panel Discussion]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference. April 27-30. Seattle, WA, United States: Hybrid event.
  • McCabe, C., Lockett, D., & Dryjanska, L. (2021). Freedom in and for the truth: Core curriculum and Christian Liberal Arts Fall Faculty Conference. September 24-25. La Mirada, CA: Biola University.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). Research ethics of working with refugee sex trafficking survivors in Europe. Symposium co-chaired by Laura Dryjanska and Kalyani Gopal, “Resilience, refugees, and human trafficking: International perspectives on intersectionality”. APA 2021 Annual Convention. August 12-14. San Diego, CA, United States: Virtual event.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). White Papers and Advocacy. Symposium chaired by Laura Dryjanska, “How to Engage in Advocacy by Publishing White Papers”. APA 2021 Annual Convention. August 12-14. San Diego, CA, United States: Virtual event.
  • Kraemer, M.C., Wang, D.C., & Dryjanska, L. (2021). Gender Differences in Traumatic Experiences, Presenting Symptoms, and Resilience of Latinx Immigrants. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Division 56 — Trauma Psychology). August 12-14. San Diego, CA, United States: Virtual event.
  • Seldomridge, A. C., Wang D. C., & Dryjanska, L. (2021). The effects of adherence to traditional female gender roles on suicidality and PTSD symptoms in Hurricane Harvey survivors. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Division 56 — Trauma Psychology). August 12-14. San Diego, CA, United States: Virtual event.
  • Valencia, G. T., Wang, D. C., Dryjanska, L., Canada, A. (2021). Psychological Impact of Experiences with COVID-19 Pandemic Considering Disruption of Global Meaning and Negative Religious Experiences. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention (Division 36 – Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality). August 12-14. San Diego, CA, United States: Virtual event.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). Psychological Associations and Advocacy during COVID-19. Symposium chaired by Russell Searight, “COVID-19: Expanding the Boundaries of Professional Psychology through Advocacy for Marginalized Populations”. 32nd International Congress of Psychology. July 18-23. Prague, Czech Republic: Prague Congress Center.
  • Dryjanska, L. (2021). Addressing Healthcare in the Face of Death and Dying: Snapshots from ten countries. Symposium chaired by Laura Dryjanska, “Ethical Dilemmas and Health Care Across the Most Affected Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. 32nd International Congress of Psychology. July 18-23. Prague, Czech Republic: Prague Congress Center.
  • Sachin, J., Dryjanska, L., Glazer, S., & Ion, A. (2021). New Trends in Workplace Psychology From Around the World. April 14-18. New Orleans, LA, United States: Virtual event.

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