May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020 at 12:15 p.m. EDT
Greetings Asbury Community,
As we complete this unprecedented semester and the country works to reopen, we are also looking towards the future and answering the question, “What does the fall semester look like for Asbury University?”
First, our goal is to fully return to on-campus operations in August for our Fall 2020 Semester.
Second, we will implement modifications that prioritize community care, safety, health, and security—measures that cohere with the best information we have from state and federal authorities, the CDC, and public health professionals.
These modifications will require clear, transparent communication, preparation, and contingency planning. We have deployed various committees to consider these key areas in anticipation of an on-campus fall semester for our incoming and returning students. A variety of protective measures are being planned as we prepare for implementation. This includes considerations for distancing regulations, quarantine areas, necessary personal protection equipment (PPE), and staggered event scheduling.
While our campus atmosphere may look different than in years past—care and support for our students is in our DNA. Asbury excels at ministering to our students and elevating their safety, security, and experience.
Let me end with this. We have always been good at answering the question, “Why Asbury?” Given our circumstances, today’s question is, “Why Asbury? Why now?”
I am strongly convinced that Asbury provides the best educational experience to prepare students for tomorrow’s unpredictable, rapidly changing, information saturated, global marketplace. An Asbury education is an education for the future.
For our traditional undergraduate population, Asbury provides the best residential experience for student formation. For our graduate and online population, Asbury will continue to provide flexible, relevant, and affordable education to prepare students for their calling and future. This is not just an education; it is a story of becoming.
These days have been challenging. However, I have witnessed the best of Asbury over the last few months: service, care, flexibility, resilience, growth, collaboration, and love. I am inspired by the Asbury family, and we will fully aim to “let our light so shine” under these unique circumstances so we can serve our students and glorify our Creator.
God’s best to you in these days. We are excited to welcome you back for fall 2020!
Kevin J. Brown, PhD
President, Asbury University