Campus Closed – Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Due to current weather conditions, campus in-seat classes will move to “Plan A”. Regular on-line instruction will proceed as scheduled. Offices will be closed. Essential employees report to campus.
April 24, 2023
Rachel Lopez ’21 Mojica
Waiting is not for the weary or weak hearted. It requires immense strength to not only endure but to remain still. As believers we are not called to merely remain still in idleness but be still in proactive readiness. We see this with the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), and the parable of the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:1-14). We are called to wait in readiness. Dangerously, we can fall into reign taking rather than readiness. This is what we saw when Moses struck the rock at the plea of the Israelites rather than waiting patiently upon the Lord. The result, he missed the promise. (Numbers 20:10-13) It is not benign to take matters into our own hands. There is mercy and forgiveness but there is also consequence. Waiting does not mean doing what we can to make things move along quicker or produce a particular result. Waiting is an internal work. It is proactively making oneself ready and in the best state for whatever comes next. Furthermore, it is a passive state in which God actually strengthens us for the “next”. The hard part is allowing the “next” to be whatever the Lord pleases and having faith that the cloud of witnesses have good testimony that He completes what He starts. (Hebrews 11-12:1; Philippians 1:6) So, waiting thus entails three parts, readying thyself, being readied, and exhibiting faith that the “next” will be good according to the nature of our good father and unto His glory. “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14)