President’s Message: A Flame Advancing – Asbury University
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President’s Message: A Flame Advancing

Dr. Kevin J. Brown,

February 8 was as ordinary of a day as you can imagine. The weather was gray and cold. We were settled into the spring semester. I streamed our Wednesday chapel service from my office that morning. After a message from the speaker, the Gospel Choir performed as the livestream came to a close. I left my computer and proceeded to an 11 a.m. meeting. As I was preparing for lunch, my wife texted these exact words at 11:57 a.m.: “There are still people singing and praying in chapel. I’ve been there since it ended.”

As the day progressed, more students came. Then more. Once the day hit late afternoon and students were still worshiping, I knew something special was happening. Something different. Something beyond what we could manufacture or plan.

What followed was 16 days unlike anything I have ever observed in my life. Words will never capture what was experienced, witnessed and sensed during this time.

Watch Dr. Brown’s video message about the Outpouring.

In sum, the spontaneous, multi-day services hosted approximately 50,000 guests. We saw nearly 200 million views of #AsburyRevival online. We had visitors from more than 280 colleges and universities representing 39 states. We had both domestic and international travelers desperate and eager to get to Hughes Auditorium. Asburians overnight coordinated other host sites to simulcast throughout Wilmore.

I have never seen such a collection of hungry hearts stirred, seeking and repentant.

I have never been so caught up in the timelessness of sweet worship, prayer and testimony.

I have never seen such radical humility, hospitality and goodwill displayed by so many.

Dr. Kevin J. Brown

For two weeks, the world turned its attention to Asbury University. I am so proud of what they saw. On Asbury’s Outpouring webpage, I posted the following:

The effort by committed men and women on our campus to redirect energy, forsake other obligations, work tirelessly around the clock, and provide single-minded labor to accommodate our students and incoming visitors has been the high point in my career. In fact, it may be the most extraordinary act of collective Godliness and hospitable goodwill I have ever witnessed in my life. I am forever grateful. I am forever changed.

During this outpouring of God’s Spirit, we began to discuss the metaphor of fire. A fire is brightest when it is tallest. In this sense, we experienced an unparalleled spiritual bonfire from February 8 to February 23.

Yet, a fire is hottest when it is smoldering.

Even though it may look like what has happened is “dying down,” my hope is that it is merely smoldering. My prayer has been for these embers to flare with a searing hot flame for years and years to come. A campus marked. A people changed. A flame advancing. A world impacted.

There are so many images I have pondered over the last few weeks. My favorite comes from the very day this began, February 8. After a brief trip to my office, I observed a student running toward Hughes and up the steps to get in.

There are so many important things that we do at Asbury University. Rigorous intellectual development. Social
and communal integration. Market preparation. Spiritual maturation. But this image is foremost in my mind as a desire for our students. That is, to run to Jesus. Run to the cross. Run to serve. Run to the abundant life.

As Asburians, may our efforts advance the mission of Asbury University — and may it advance this image of seeking after Christ with joy and enthusiasm.


Kevin J. Brown, Ph.D.