A Week of Remembering the Outpouring – Asbury University
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A Week of Remembering the Outpouring

Asbury gathered in Hughes one year later to celebrate and worship the God-led spiritual awakening that began on Feb. 8, 2023.

It’s hard to imagine one year has passed since God poured out overwhelming love on Asbury’s campus during the Outpouring in Feb. 2023. The Asbury community gathered during multiple events in the week of Feb. 5, 2024, to remember and celebrate the work He did then and continues to do now.

Hughes Auditorium rang with worship during a special Chapel on Wednesday, Feb. 7, and a community service on Thursday night to honor those who have supported Asbury through prayer, volunteering, and discipling students during and since the Outpouring. The following evening, Worship Him at Midnight (WHAM)/Gen Z worship facilitated a space where students shared their personal testimonies and gathered in prayer for the next generation’s spiritual climate, while reminiscing on how the event influenced the faith journey of Asburians.

In the last year, I have remarked many times that I don’t know if there is a particular formula for what creates what we saw and experienced last February, but I have some sense of what sustains it. What fosters it. What gives it structure. And what gives space to unfold. The people; and people of a certain character. Selfless and radically humble. With a high spiritual temperature, a holy imagination.

Dr. Kevin J. Brown

In the year since the miraculous 16-day move of God, Asbury has watched in awe how God has made himself known to the campus community and many others around the world. Many witnesses traveled to testify on the University’s spiritual transformation.

“A year ago, God generously poured out His power, presence, kindness, and gentleness, which captivated a generation and a lot of Christian leaders who needed hope,” said Asbury Pastor in Residence Zach Meerkreebs. “In Galatians 6:9, it says ‘Don’t grow weary for doing good, for in due time you will reap what you sow.’ I think the Outpouring was an encouragement for those who were weary, getting to experience the reaping for those 16 days and even now.”

In January, Meerkreebs spoke to 55,000 college students at Passion Conference in Atlanta, Ga., an annual conference with a purpose to unite college students from around the nation for a spiritual awakening. It was one of many trips made around the nation and the world by members of Asbury’s community in the last year.

“We were so humbled to be a part of Passion, and both share about the Outpouring and plead for these students to contend for more!” said Meerkreebs. “The team there was humble, hungry, and so moved by what they saw and learned from Asbury.”

Tens of thousands of people in audiences have heard the Gospel and stories of the Outpouring from Asbury witness teams. A recent group shared at Mission Connexion in Portland, Ore., addressing intercessory prayer and revival, while other students congregated at nationwide churches, conferences, and universities to tell their stories.

Elena Overman ’25, pictured above, second from right, served on church witness teams and discussed how the opportunity to testify a year later impacts her faith journey.
“Having the opportunity to speak about the impact of the Outpouring a year later was honestly extremely cathartic,” she said. “A lot can happen in a year, and I am endlessly grateful for the work that God has done in my life. Getting to share about His mercy and grace has been one of the greatest honors of my life.”

Simmons shares his Outpouring story through his painting, “Heaven Meets Hughes”

Jeremy Simmons ’18, Asbury’s coordinator of academic marketing, shares how the Outpouring led him to create artwork out of experiencing the power of God’s presence.

“Jesus met me and so many other people in Hughes last February. On the second day of the Outpouring, I had a vision of multitudes gathering on the steps of Hughes with the ‘fire’ spreading out onto the sidewalks and around the globe,” said Simmons. “My mind was blown as I witnessed thousands coming here to experience God in a deeper way. I tried to capture what the Holy Spirit burned on my heart through painting.”

Throughout the remembrance week in February, Office of Spiritual Life also hosted a workshop “How to Share your Story,” which gave students pointers on how to break down the life-changing events of the Outpouring and communicate it with utmost care and authenticity, giving more Asburians confidence to go out and share the Good News.


In February 2023, the Asbury community, along with tens of thousands of people from around the world, experienced something special in Wilmore — what many are calling a revival, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and a move of God that is still shaping a generation of students and rewriting the story in so many lives.

In a special series of the This is Asbury podcast, Vice President of Student Life Rev. Dr. Sarah Thomas ’93 Baldwin shares behind-the-scenes stories from the faculty, staff, and students at Asbury and how they witnessed firsthand God changing the lives of so many people — from our own community and far beyond — and what has happened since those remarkable 16 days in Hughes.

To listen and follow along in our limited Outpouring series, visit asbury.edu/Outpouring or asbury.edu/ThisIsAsbury or however you get your podcast content.


A Plethora of Settings

Witness Team Overview

Since February 2023, students on the Witness Teams have spoken to countless people in the audiences they have blessed. They have traveled to over 50 different venues in 16 states and eight countries. Here are some fun facts about where our students have been:

    • England
    • Canada
    • Costa Rica
    • Malaysia
    • Germany
    • The Netherlands
    • Churches (mega and small)
    • Youth Groups
    • Recovery Centers and Maximum Security Prison
    • Media (TV, radio, podcast)
    • Festivals and Conferences
    • Colleges and Universities