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Residential Requirement

One of the distinctives of Asbury University’s heritage is its commitment to residential living for all single students. Holding the firm belief that significant learning occurs outside of the classroom, the residence life program promotes an integration of faith, learning and living that emphasizes practical preparation for life.

All single full-time students will reside in campus housing except the following, who are eligible to apply for off-campus housing:

  • Students who are classified as “Independent.” (This is a legal designation through the Financial Aid Office.)
  • Students who are 23 or older. (Married or formerly married students must receive permission from the Assistant Vice President of Student Life to live in the residence hall.)
  • Students who live at the primary residence of a parent, legal guardian, or close relative at least 25 years old.
  • Students who are working in an approved home for their room and board but who make no cash payment for said room and board.
  • Students who are fifth-year seniors.
  • Students who are getting married.

Permission to live off-campus is not automatically granted as students must apply to the Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs for consideration. Applications should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the academic term. There will be a $10 late filing fee if the application is received less than one week before the start of the term. Students filing after the deadline will be charged for their room until the application is processed. Applications will be accepted only through the drop/add period. Application forms are available in the Student Accounts Office and Business Affairs Office and linked below. A dependent student must submit a letter of support from his/her parents with his/her application.

Application to Live Off Campus

A student whose request is denied may appeal the decision to the Room/Board Appeals Committee to determine if extenuating circumstances warrant an exception to the guidelines. To appeal due to extenuating circumstances, a student must be in good standing (i.e., not on academic, chapel, or disciplinary probation). The letter of appeal should be sent to the chair of the Appeals Committee.

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