Monday, September 13, 2010 (PM) — Rev. Hule Goddard — “Remaining in Christ”
Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on the covenant of God to remain and cleanse us.
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Rev. Hule Goddard speaks on the covenant of God to remain and cleanse us.
Rev. Hule Goddard uses vines and branches as examples of how Christians should receive.
Mr. Colmon Elridge speaks on his journey of faith and grace.
Students speak about giving their summers to missions.
Rev. John Njoroge speaks on purpose, vision, and holiness.
Caleb Friedeman speaks on holiness, redemption, and how we as Christians should be involved in outreach.
Dr. Malinda Stull tells her testimony and talks about the importance of forgiveness.
Rev. Bert Jones speaks about Esau and "trading away" blessings.
Greg Haseloff speaks about worshipping in unity as the body and mind of Christ.
Dr. Gray speaks in chapel on the topic of truth and knowledge.
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