Monday, December 3, 2007 — Mr. Tom Davis — World AIDS Day Chapel
World AIDS Day Chapel - Mr. Tom Davis talks about the epidemic in Africa.
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World AIDS Day Chapel - Mr. Tom Davis talks about the epidemic in Africa.
Charles Wesley Chapel - Dr. Mike Pasquarello and Dr. Lester Ruth enlighten us on The Love of God and The Language of Christian Worship.
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Reverend Stu Smith brings a sermon on the Ten Lepers.
Dr. Ed McKinley speaks on Living in Christian Community and Playing in a Band.
Ken Wales, Producer of the film Amazing Grace, shares his testimony as a Christian in the film industry.
Dr. Sandra C. Gray - Spiritual Lessons from Sailing
Dr. Michael Johnson in the final message of the Great Commission Congress series, "Dead on Arrival."
Dr. Michael Johnson brings the sixth message in the GCC Series, "10 Ways to Avoid Being a Missionary."