Wednesday, November 7, 2007 (PM) — Dr. Michael Johnson — “Don’t Mention Missions”
Dr. Michael Johnson in the fifth message of the Great Commission Congress Series, "Don't Mention Missions."
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Dr. Michael Johnson in the fifth message of the Great Commission Congress Series, "Don't Mention Missions."
Dr. Michael Johnson in his fourth message of the GCC series, "AIDS in Africa."
Dr. Michael Johnson's third message in the GCC series, "How it all Began."
Dr. Michael Johnson begins the first message in the Great Commission Congress Series for this week. The title of the message is Convenient Compassion, in which Dr. Johnson speaks on outsourcing the the Great Commission.
Dr. Michael Johnson brings his second message in this year's Great Commission Congress series, "Confessions of a Former Dung Collector."
Dr. Lew Sterrett speaks on the Sermon on the Mount.
Student Chapel - Becky Kempton and Alex Keyser share testimonies of how God has worked in their lives in recent years.
Dr. Jeff Greenway, former President of Asbury Theological Seminary, and Pastor of Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church in Ohio, brings a message entitled A Story of Conversion.
Art And Theology Week - Ms. Catherine Kapikian of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. shares about how art is a key part of theology, and how she has used it to make a difference in society.
Art And Theology Week - Art Professor Dr. Linda Stratford and artist Shannon Steed open chapel today with a discussion about art, and Professor Keith Barker brings the message with examples from his new exhibit "Sacred Spaces."