Friday, February 22, 2019 — Brian Marshall — “On Having a Soul in an Age of Technology”
Brian Marshall speaks about how technology shallows depth, and how we need to take a digital Sabbath, embracing silence and daily quiet time.
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Brian Marshall speaks about how technology shallows depth, and how we need to take a digital Sabbath, embracing silence and daily quiet time.
Kyle Purnell and Olivia Vinson speak about getting out of your comfort zone, and going through struggle to to be liberated.
In this Chapel service Dr. Brian Hull speaks on justice, saying that Jesus feels injustice and God is with us even through such times.
Dr. Philip Meadows speaks about having a longing for God, and discipleship involved in mission.
Dr. Bud Bence speaks about how to navigate our God-given tasks and the careers that we find ourselves in. He expounds upon the primary call of Scripture, and the way providence and instruction lead to wisdom and bring us closer to God's Spirit.
Andrew Peterson sings and tells stories about the pain and storms in life, and how we can still have hope and peace as we look forward.
Dr. Rica McRoy talks about God's illuminating light, hospitality, and giving genuine love.
Rev. Greg Haseloff speaks about the New Kingdom enfleshed in us and how its embodiment is love.
Captain Andrew Miller III speaks about how when God steps in, revival bursts out.
Captain Andrew Miller III speaks about how light, darkness, and sin affect implanted righteousness and love filling the heart.
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