Friday, November 14, 2014 — Mrs. Gigi Graham — “Choices”
Today Gigi Graham speaks about wrong decisions, consequences, the focus of life, and an extraordinary God.
Campus Closed – Monday, January 6, 2025
Due to weather conditions, campus will be closed Monday, January 6. Essential employees are to report to campus if at all possible.
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Today Gigi Graham speaks about wrong decisions, consequences, the focus of life, and an extraordinary God.
Jim and Carol Shores, from Acts of Renewal, talk to Asbury about attraction, love addiction, wholeness, and God's will.
Today for Asbury University Chapel, Meilan Thallman talks about wholehearted faith, spiritual disciplines, discipleship, and fear of failure.
For the final day of the Great Commission Congress, Dr. David Bosch speaks about being a blessing to the world, a compassionate God, and immediate and costly obedience.
For the second Great Commission Congress Chapel, Dr. Sarah Baldwin speaks about how missions unfold, the stones of worship, work, wisdom, and witness.
During the Wednesday night service of the Great Commission Congress, Dr. Sarah Baldwin talks about the heart of God, the mission of God, scripture, saints, senses, and Spirit.
For the opening of Great Commission Congress Week, Dr. Dan Lewis talks to Asbury during chapel about jars of clay, evangelism, Christ in you, and daily surrendering your life to Christ.
During the first evening service of the Great Commission Congress, Dr. Dan Lewis speaks about our hearts, abilities, personalities, and experiences.
During the Board of Trustees Chapel, Dr. Deneese Jones talks to Asbury about being called out of our comfort zones and being united in Christ by using the metaphor of a ship outside its harbor.
J. Warner Wallace, a detective who used to be a vocal and conscientious atheist, speaks to the student body about loving God, a powerful God, and free agency.
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