Wednesday, October 1, 2014 — Dr. Brent Strawn — “Exegeting Netflix”
Dr. Brent Strawn talks to Asbury about exile, Babylon, the holy book, and the dangers of money, sex, and power.
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Dr. Brent Strawn talks to Asbury about exile, Babylon, the holy book, and the dangers of money, sex, and power.
Pastor "Shake" Anderson speaks to Asbury about blessings, concerns, people, and the right thing.
Dr. Lester Ruth talks to Asbury about worship, God's presence, and dwelling in His Glory.
This morning, Prof. Matt Sigler talks to Asbury about the importance of Charles Wesley's lyrics and having eyes of faith.
This morning Elijah and Meredith talk about conversation, what it means to be a messenger, and to communicate the gospel.
Laurie Short speaks about the present, future, and compassion.
Laurie Short speaks on the topics of crisis, suffering, and story.
Today in Asbury's Chapel, Mrs. Julie Broderson delivered her message about being ordinary, but being called to do God's kingdom building work.
Rev. Stan Key talks to us about wealth, riches, and giving one hundred percent.
During the final service of Fall Revival, Reverend Stan Key talks to Asbury about the importance of communion, humility, and worth.
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