Friday, April 25, 2014 — Mr. Jim Van Eerden — “Engaging Culture: Workmanship”
Mr. Van Eerden speaks to Asbury about being actors in the conversation and being able to give life and grace to others.
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Mr. Van Eerden speaks to Asbury about being actors in the conversation and being able to give life and grace to others.
Students in todays chapel share their testimonies, talk about being in community and being accountable.
Rev. Greg Haseloff talks to the Asbury community on the fig tree, its dead part, and how it connects to Easter.
Commissioner William Francis talks in today's chapel about Athens, radical trust, and rejoicing in the Lord.
Dr. Chuck Gobin talks about reading, narrative, and the heart of God.
Dr. Raymond talks about Ephesians 3:16-21 and how a Head-Heart-Life evolves into one and is not separate pieces of life.
Mr. Fred Lynch speaks to Asbury about hovering over the waters and where God is.
Dr. Tennent talks with Asbury students about pluralist, existentialist, the new atheist, and the centrality of the resurrection.
Mr. Howard Dayton addresses the student body about not doing business as usual and doing business God's way with money during the chapel announcing Asbury University's new School of Business.
Dr. Brian Hull talks about the cornerstones, the Road to Emmaus and Christ being among us.
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