Tuesday, January 29, 2013 (PM) — Dr. Steve DeNeff — “Holy Living from the Margins”
Dr. DeNeff speaks during Holiness Emphasis Week about living a life of influence and character while staying quietly on the margins of society.
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Dr. DeNeff speaks during Holiness Emphasis Week about living a life of influence and character while staying quietly on the margins of society.
Dr. DeNeff addresses students about the Father’s love, slavery, and human worth.
Mr. Pinto speaks about faith, mission, and obedience.
Mr. Vaughn shares about the Gospel, gratitude, and being chosen.
Mrs. Short talks about Esther, compassion, and sacrifice.
Mrs. Short addresses the Asbury Community about hope, the present, and God's plan.
Students discuss diversity, unity, and acceptance.
Students and faculty share about spiritual formation, Scripture, and mission.
Dr. Gray speaks on World changers, hope, and Preparation.
Dr. Gray speaks to the graduating seniors on how nothing can surprise God and how nothing is impossible for Him.