Asbury University employs and trains its own Campus Safety staff who function as service providers to the Asbury community. Campus Safety staff members have several specializations including safety and threat assessment, first aid and CPR, law enforcement, criminal justice/safety research, criminal investigations, and facilitating safe communities. Campus Safety supervisors have graduate degrees in safety, psychology, or criminal justice and decades of experience in safety/ law enforcement.
Campus Safety staff are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. Additionally, Campus Safety supervisors are on duty during the week and on-call 24/7 as needed. If information or assistance is needed the University Switchboard may be contacted at (859) 858-3511, extension 0.
Campus Safety staff remain in radio contact with the Switchboard operator throughout their shift. Additionally, should an urgent situation arise, the officer on duty may also contact Jessamine County 911 for fire, ambulance or police assistance.
Campus Safety staff report all crimes to the Director of Campus Safety for inclusion on the University website crime reports page, and subsequent state and federal reports in accordance with the Minger and Clery Acts. All victims of violations of law are strongly encouraged to report criminal acts to law enforcement, and Campus Safety staff are available to meet with students and employees to assist in reporting incidents to the police. Campus Safety will provide assistance to the police during investigations.
The Kentucky State Police Website is available at:
The Kentucky State Police Sex Offenders Website is available at:
201 N. Main St.Nicholasville, KY 40356(859) 885-4139
210 S. Lexington AveWilmore, KY 40390(859) 858-8955
Office of Campus Safety
(859) 858-3511, x0
(859) 858-3511, x 0