Any additional questions about the Spring Commencement ceremony may be directed to
The schedule can be found on the main Commencement Information page.
Hotel and bed and breakfast accommodations are available in Wilmore as well as neighboring Nicholasville, Harrodsburg, and Lexington. Please refer to our Lodging List for locations within 30 minutes of campus.
Friday, May 2 Graduate Celebration Lunch Johnson Building (The Eatery), Noon – 1 p.m.
Parking for guests is provided in these lots:
Please refer to the Campus Map to become familiar with these areas.
Please refrain from parking in the Administration lot behind the dining hall and anywhere on the semi-circle.
Parking for guests with disabilities
Accessible parking and drop-off will be available directly behind the Luce Center. Ground-level access to the building is available via the rear door nearest West Main Street, the access point for the Luce Center lot. Subsequent pick-up after Commencement should also transpire at the rear of the building as the front of the building will be closed to vehicle traffic due to exiting commencement patrons.
During an emergency, 911 should be called immediately and given this information:
After notifying 911, University Safety & Security should be notified of the emergency by calling (859) 858-3511, extension “0” ( available 24 hours a day). The caller should advise:
University Safety & Security may be contacted by dialing “0” from any campus courtesy phone.
We request that guests wear attire appropriate to the dignity of the occasion.
In keeping with our University policy of being a smoke-free campus and with State Fire Regulations, we request that guests refrain from smoking on campus.
Pets are not permitted in any campus facility. Service animals are welcome.
Yes, guests must have a ticket to be admitted. Graduates will be issued four tickets for their respective ceremony; tickets will be unique to each service. Live-streaming will be available.
2025 Commencement Additional Ticket Request
The Eagle Outlet is located in the lower level of the Rader Student Center and we have many University and Commencement items available. Special Commencement hours will be Saturday, May 3, 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Students and parents may order graduation announcements online through the Asbury University Virtual Bookstore. Orders received for personalized announcements after April 1 may not be received before Commencement.
Regalia for Traditional Undergraduate students: Caps/gowns have been ordered according to the information provided on the Degree Application and will be distributed April 23-25. Pick-up times can be viewed here.
Caps cannot be decorated. Only University-issued academic honor cords are permitted to be worn for Commencement services. Dress shoes (low heels/flats for women) should be worn with the Commencement gown. Dress slacks and dark ties are appropriate for men. Casual wear is not appropriate attire.
Regalia for Graduate and Online Undergraduate students: Participating graduates will order their full regalia (cap/tassel, gown, plus hood for Master’s students) through our vendor’s website and bring their regalia to Commencement. Please reference your Asbury email or contact for ordering information. The final deadline to order is March 31.
Each graduate will be permitted to have four guests for in-person attendance and tickets are required for entry. Tickets will be unique to each service.
Traditional Undergraduate students: Tickets will be included with your cap/gown, which will be distributed on April 23-25. Details here
Graduate and Undergraduate Online students: Tickets will be mailed to your home address. If your address needs to be updated, please email
Graduates will be sent Commencement rehearsal instructions through their Asbury email. Graduates will have the opportunity to walk through the Commencement venue and to locate assigned seat for ceremony on Friday, May 2, from 1 – 2:30 p.m. in the Luce Center Gym.
Baccalaureate will be held on Friday, May 2, at 7 p.m. in Hughes Auditorium.
Students: Line up at the front steps of Hughes Auditorium no later than 6:40 p.m. Please come in your cap/gown.
A Graduate Reception with Faculty will follow at 8 p.m. in the Shaw CLC.
Graduation is when your requirements are completed and your degree is earned (“degree conferral date”; dates are May, August, or December). Commencement is the ceremony where we celebrate your accomplishment!
Graduation = diploma/degree, Commencement = ceremony/regalia
Completion of the Degree Application is required to graduate with a degree. All students who are in the final year of completing a degree must complete the degree application prior to graduating. Access to the application will be emailed from the Registrar’s Office. Contact for a degree application review if you believe you will graduate earlier than the graduation date listed on your Portal Degree Progress Audit.
Diplomas will be mailed to students approximately 6-8 weeks after all academic and financial obligations have been satisfied.
Yes. Please provide an updated address to, keeping in mind that diplomas will be prepared for mailing in 6-8 weeks after fulfilling degree requirements.
Official Asbury University diploma frames are available for purchase at the Eagle Outlet on campus or through the Asbury University Virtual Bookstore.