More than just a logo or set of colors, Asbury University’s visual identity represents and reflects our unique mission and story through content, images, text, color, formats and other design elements. In short, it is the sum of all the visual elements used to distinguish Asbury University from every other university.
For Digital Use (RGB)
For Print Use (CMYK)
The university seal may only be used with special permission. Please contact Strategic Communications if you need to use the seal.
The university mark may be used for either general University or Athletics purposes. It may only be used where the context clearly indicates that the “AU” refers to Asbury University. When using the “AU” university mark by itself, you must get prior approval from Strategic Communications.
EPS Files
Templates can now be found in the Brand Resources section.
Office of Strategic Communications
Abby LaubDirector of Strategic
Mark WhitworthVice President for Intercollegiate 858-3511, x2470
The following fonts are approved for official Asbury University use.
Please familiarize yourself with the usage standards in the Brand Standards Guide before using the Asbury University brand resources. Maintaining these standards promotes a strong, consistent image for Asbury University.
You can view and download these videos at the links below.