You will find the six digit Student Account number on the ID card issued by the Information & Technology Helpdesk. The number is also available on the homepage of your student portal, on the PDF version of the Term Billing Summary and on your Monthly Statement.
Yes. For your convenience, an ATM is available inside the Student Center.
Students who are not enrolled in a TRANSACT (formerly CASHNet) Installment Payment Plan should make Payment in Full to Asbury University by the first day of class for the semester. If payment is not received, the account may be assessed a $20 late payment fee; in addition, a 1% service charge may be assessed on the past due amount. Registration holds are placed on accounts that are not current, preventing students from registering for future semesters. Asbury will not release academic transcripts, diplomas, or teaching certificates for students having past due accounts. If your account remains outstanding after your departure from Asbury, it may be referred to a collection agency and reported to the credit bureau.
According to the Family Education and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), financial affairs staff cannot disclose information about a student’s account to anyone other than the student, including parents, without proper authorization on file. Student’s that desire to authorize approved contacts, will need to complete the Privacy Act Notice.
Bookstore vouchers, parking tickets, library fines, and other fees may be applied to the account after a refund has been issued, resulting in a balance owed.
Traditional Undergraduate Students not already covered under their own or their parents’ insurance are required to enroll in the plan endorsed by Asbury University. To ensure that every student has coverage, we have included Health Insurance Registration in the Financial Registration process. All students must either a) register a personal or family plan or b) select Asbury’s Insurance coverage. Student’s who fail to register their individual coverage will be automatically enrolled in Asbury’s policy and assessed a fee.
Students are given specific time frames to address parking fines, library fines, clinic charges, etc. When students do not pay their charges with the respective departments, the charges are forwarded to the Student Accounts Office. Student Accounts posts these charges to the account and charges a $5 service charge per departmental charge.
Scholarship Checks, including Church Match Application/Payments, should be directed to the Financial Aid Office.
Asbury University Attn: Financial Aid One Macklem Dr. Wilmore, KY 40390
No. Course withdrawals will not result in a tuition credit/refund. Only University Withdrawals are subject to a tuition refund schedule.
To ensure that your registration has been cancelled and that you are officially withdrawn from the University, you must contact the Registrar. If you withdraw after classes have begun, you could be charged for a portion of the tuition for that semester.
Students have until Friday of the first week of class to make changes to their account. Once all charges have been verified, they are posted to the student’s account.
Eagle Bucks are equivalent to cash on the student’s ID card. They can be used in the Eagle Outlet, and for food only purchases in the Bistro, Hiccup Coffee Shop and the coffee cart in the Library.
Student Accounts