Experiences Abound Here

While in Hungary, you get to practice all these skills as well as adjusting on the fly. While teaching lessons, you learn flexibility, adaptability, and how to best collaborate with your peers to offer the best possible lessons.”
Three Asbury education students smile in a clasroom Olivia Parsons '25, was one of 12 education students to teach English as a second language (ESL) at a camp in Letenye, Hungary, and serve a community through the local church in partnership .

English students at Asbury regularly earn their Cross Cultural Engagement credit by spending a semester studying at Oxford University in England.

Asbury's designated C.S. Lewis study corner in the Kinlaw Library is a special collection unique to Asbury, including works from faculty.
Asbury students sitting with English professors drinking teaAsbury students sitting with English professors drinking tea
The English Department teas are well-loved events for students and faculty to discuss literature and enjoy English tea traditions.
English Department students often take advantage of study abroad opportunities in collaboration with other schools and departments.

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Meet our faculty

Daniel Strait, Ph.D.
Professor, English
Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Devin Brown, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Erin Penner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, English