English, B.A.

Availability: On-Campus
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

english major requirements

The B.A. in English major requires 124 total course credits, distributed across major areas of study, historical periods, author-focused seminars and general education courses supporting an informed and critical worldview. 

  • 42 credits in English major courses, including 9 credits in English elective courses
  • 56 credits in Foundations general education courses
  • 26 credits in chosen elective courses

Life-Changing Experiences

Enjoy writing? Join the university newspaper, literary magazine, or yearbook staff. Like acting? Perform a Shakespearean sonnet in Reader’s Theatre or try out for one of the dramatic productions of the theatre program. Or, spend a semester abroad as part of Best Semester Oxford program.

You can choose to be as active outside the classroom as you wish. Some students present papers at scholarly conferences. Others have been invited to share their work at regional poetry and fiction readings. Several times a year, the department gathers at professors’ homes for informal get-togethers.

Meet our English faculty

At Asbury University, you will learn from Christian scholars and published authors who specialize in a wide variety of emphases, including American, British and Victorian literature; 16th, 17th and 18th century literature; Shakespeare; linguistics; creative writing; rhetoric; and composition theory. In and out of the classroom, these dedicated men and women will help you realize your fullest potential—preparing you to have an impact on your career, family and community for Christ and His Kingdom. Nearly all full-time faculty members in the English Department hold earned doctorates. Committed to encouraging and equipping their students, they inspire a friendly community of scholarship among English majors and minors.

Daniel Strait, Ph.D.
Professor, English
Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Erin Penner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, English
Rachel Rinehart, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor, Creative Writing


What Our Alumni Do

When you earn an English degree at Asbury, you become a well-rounded, educated and critically thinking individual with unbounded opportunities in various fields of work. English program graduates have found work using their education in settings such as:

  • Private corporations in media or marketing communications
  • Academic institutions
  • Publishing companies
  • Government or nonprofit agencies

Our career-driven degree programs prove that you can hone your skills as an English major, no matter what calling you pursue. Career paths for English and creative writing majors include:

  • English teacher
  • Creative writing teacher
  • Technical writer
  • Published author
  • Journalist
  • Editor
  • Copywriter
  • Content writer
  • Media and communication specialist
  • Marketer or public relations specialist
  • AI prompt engineer

Alumni Stories

Only at Asbury

Nearly 60 students at Asbury University are English majors or minors in any given year (roughly 10 majoring in education) and consistently score in the 90th percentile of the Major Field Test in Literature.

The department’s English major is based around a classic core of literature courses, while allowing for a wide range of elective courses and special topic seminars.

Our English faculty are well-recognized experts in their subject areas, including C.S. Lewis and others. The Kinlaw Library’s C.S. Lewis Corner is a favorite spot.

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