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Please Note: The student has waived any claim to access to letters of reference written on behalf of his/her application to the Asbury University Study Abroad program indicated above. Your responses on this form will be kept confidential, and the student will not have access to your responses on this form.
Please Note: The student has not indicated if they want to waive any claim to access to letters of reference written on behalf of their application By default, the student will not have access to your responses on this form.
Please Note: The student has not waived any claim to access to letters of reference written on behalf of his/her application to the Asbury University Study Abroad program indicated above. Your responses will not be confidential, and your responses on this form will be sent to the student.
Please Note: The student’s application will not be reviewed until this form is submitted.
Describe the candidate as a student.
How would you rate the candidate’s communication skills?
How would you rate the candidate’s foreign language ability in the country where the program will take place?
Will the candidate be motivated in his/her studies and work at the program site?
The student will be part of a program that lacks the structure of a typical US college/university environment as well as manage different levels of culture shock and other new adjustments. Is this student self-reliant and mature enough to perform well in this type of program?
Please provide a brief statement about the candidate’s spiritual maturity and how that might affect their off-campus program experience. Would they be willing to live within a faith-based environment?
Please provide a brief statement about the candidate that addresses the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the proposed off-campus study program experience. If you were the director of the proposed program, would you be eager to have this student as a participant?
Global Initiatives & Programs