In every pursuit, we seek to model Christ.
Spiritual vitality is central to Asbury University! Spiritual Life seeks to engage students with relevant opportunities for spiritual formation through chapel, discipleship, service and missions. These provide ways for students, faculty and staff to practice our faith together as a community. In essence, our desire is for each student to learn how to think well, love well, serve well and live well.
Asbury University stands in the Wesleyan theological tradition – believing that an act of God’s grace upon which one receives the offer of salvation through the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ can indeed transform a human heart in such a way that through His mercy they can experience holiness of life, have a heart that exhibits His love, and become an agent of His grace for the advancement of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Spiritual Life
(859) 858-3511 x2218
One of the rich traditions of Asbury University is to provide an opportunity for our campus community to gather together to hear from God and to worship corporately. We place a high priority on chapel as a mandatory opportunity for student spiritual formation. Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning of the semester at 10 a.m. in Hughes Auditorium, we sing, pray and hear the Word of God proclaimed.
Serving others is a huge part of the Asbury experience for many students. We partner with multiple organizations to serve the community, our country and the world.
We offer opportunities for service and missions so that Asbury students can participate in the missio dei – the mission of God in the world.
Each Asbury student has the opportunity to participate in a 3-day Set Apart Retreat. This focused time allows students to think critically about their faith and deepen their Christian worldview.
These retreats take place at the beach or in the mountains, and all student expenses are covered through the generosity of others. There is no cost to students for this one-of-a-kind experience.
Feel called to spiritual leadership or campus ministry? Our Spiritual Life team offers responsibilities and positions unique to where God is calling you, from community outreach, to worship production, or small group leading. Opportunities include:
The Spiritual Life staff carries years of experience serving college students, walking beside them during crucial years of their spiritual formation, equipping them as they grow in discipleship and releasing them to serve their campus, our local communities and the world.