The Asbury Initiative Program received permanent funds from Wynelle Scott ’61 Deese in 2015 allowing it to continue as one of the most incredible opportunities on campus for students. The Judge and Mrs. J.W. Deese Initiative Program continues to further the purpose of volunteer work in the areas of international community, social and economic development, public wellness and treatment, literacy and education, and other public services in developing countries.

*Special Note: The Deese Initiative grants cannot be used to perform internships in countries where the United States does not have a favorable relationship or where travel by U.S. citizens is not advised. Applicants and recipients affected by travel warnings or restricted travel should contact Ashley DeMichael. See the U.S. State Department website for current information.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

For more information and questions, please contact: Ashley DeMichael, Director, Global Initiatives & Programs.

  • All participants are required to give a public presentation on the Asbury University campus within six months of the completion of the service project.
  • Recipients must keep a daily journal of all expenditures related to the grant.
  • The stipend to partially cover lost wages will be based on $300/week ($2,400 maximum)
  • The student is responsible for all logistics related to the various details of the service project. Students are encouraged, however, to utilize campus resources for assistance.
  • A maximum of 10 grants will be awarded in the 2025 cycle.


  • Service projects will be funded for a minimum of five weeks (35 days) and a maximum of eight weeks (56 days), either in the summer or during a semester.
  • Applications may be submitted during a student’s sophomore, junior, or senior year. Prior to participation, recipients of the grant must have completed two years of college, including at least one year at Asbury University.
  • All applicants must be in good academic standing.
  • Applicants must be recommended by a faculty member either in their major area or an area that is related to the sponsoring organization.
  • All applicants must develop their proposal in partnership with a Committee mentor assigned by the Global Programs & Initiatives Office.


The Deese Initiative Grant Program requires that the proposals be judged competitively by a selection committee. The selection committee will utilize a rubric to evaluate the viability and quality of the written proposal, the presentation of the service project opportunity, and how well the student makes the case for his or her participation in the service project. Details on how to create a proposal are included in the application process information. 

Application Process

Students must first apply to the sponsoring organization of their planned service program. This process needs to start early since these programs can fill up and usually have long lead times or an extensive application process.

*Special Note: The Deese Initiative Grants cannot be used to perform service in countries where the United States does not have a favorable relationship or where travel by U.S. citizens is not advised. Applicants and recipients affected by travel warnings or restricted travel should contact Ashley DeMichael ( See the U.S. State Department website for current information:

Once a student is accepted into a program which meets the selection criteria above, applicants should submit a proposal that follows the below seven guidelines. View a sample winning proposal.

  1. Cover sheet, including:
    • Student’s name, major, academic classification
    • Name of the sponsoring organization
    • Name of the city and country where the service project will take place
      • Please note that proposals to destination countries considered “low-income” or “middle income” will be given priority in review over countries designated as “high income.” You can check designations by country here: World Bank’s “World by Income.” If your destination country is designated as “high income,” you will need to include a brief statement (one page, double-spaced) indicating how your specific destination community is marginalized in some way.
    • Paragraph (no more than 100 words) describing the service project
    • Name of a faculty recommender
  2. A brief statement (one page, double-spaced) exploring personal qualifications for undertaking this work and the relationship of the service project to future goals. Include a description of previous experience abroad (if any).
  3. A brief statement (one page, double-spaced) describing how the service project proposal will benefit the mission of the sponsoring organization.
  4. A list of goals and the specific tasks student plans to employ to accomplish the goals. Please include pre-departure goals and tasks to demonstrate to the committee that you are preparing for your experience.
  5. A detailed budget proposal, using the Budget Worksheet
  6. A letter of support from the sponsoring organization
  7. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member supporting the specific initiative.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.*

*Application materials may be submitted in one of two ways:

  1. Either in one pdf document emailed to, OR
  2. In print in one stapled packet to Catalyst II (main floor, Kinlaw Library). Please note if you wish to submit the materials in print, the Catalyst II Office closes at 5pm on weekdays.

Budget Worksheet

As per the Deese Initiative Grant guidelines, the Grant will cover expenses related to transportation to/from the site, lodging, meals, miscellaneous expenses related to the service project, and a stipend to partially cover lost wages. The terms of the Grant guidelines do not provide for personal items unless a case can be made that the grant should provide these. The Grant generally does not provide funding for equipment or for the general operation of the sponsoring organization. Participants are encouraged to seek funding from other sources – churches, civic organizations, family, personal funds, etc. – for equipment, support of the sponsoring organization, materials and supplies, and other costs not covered by the Grant. A reasonable administrative fee by the sponsoring organization may be included.

The selection committee has an obligation to be good stewards of the funds that have been made available for the Deese Initiative Grant Program. The budget worksheet is intended to help you provide the selection committee with a detailed budget proposal. Therefore, please provide appropriate detail.

Download Budget Worksheet.

If you would like to learn more about the Deese Initiative Grant Program, or if you’re ready to submit a proposal, please contact:

Ashley DeMichael
Director, Global Initiatives & Programs
One Macklem Drive
Wilmore, KY 40390
(859) 858-3511, x2558

Office: Catalyst II, Kinlaw Library main floor