We believe in the future of every Asbury student, and our mission is to help you reach your goals. Located inside the Kinlaw Library, the Catalyst Center provides opportunities for you to apply your learning outside of the classroom, enhancing your academic, professional and personal growth. We call these opportunities “catalysts” and believe God uses them powerfully in your journey of belonging and becoming.
Or maybe you just need help figuring out the best major to line up with your skills and passions!
We believe in the power of learning through:
During the fall and spring semester, we are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Catalyst Center for Applied Learning has two locations in Kinlaw Library Catalyst Main and Catalyst II.
Catalyst Center for Applied Learning
(859) 858-3511 ext 2401
Interested in Mentorship?
The Asbury University Mentor Program | for the professions provides students with opportunities to expand their network and learn from someone who has “gone before them.” This one-on-one mentoring relationship allows each mentee to receive individual attention and guidance related to career and personal aspirations, self-discovery, and aptitude awareness, along with professional development and networking skills to increase workforce readiness.
The Mentor Program aims to prepare students for successful careers in their chosen field by integrating academic learning with real-world experiences, thus becoming a model for workforce readiness and global impact.
Need help writing a resumé, taking your LinkedIn profile to the next level, practicing a job interview or learning about good matches for your skills?
We also can help you explore majors/career options, search for and apply for jobs, and with the graduate/professional school search.
Through partnerships with employers, faculty, staff and alumni, we are here to help students like you develop effective career decision-making and employment skills reflective of God’s unique calling on your lives.
The Catalyst Center team is here to help you do just that! Make an appointment with us, email us, or stop by the office in Kinlaw to learn more.
The Asbury Outreach Coalition is designed to help students deepen their relationship with Christ and others by giving back, fostering a lifelong love of service to others.
Whether it’s serving locally with ministries like Church Under The Bridge, Refuge for Women, AdventureServe, 4Kids Mentoring Program, Lexington Sports Outreach, and many more!
Spiritual Life Coordinators (SLC)
Six positions are available to juniors and seniors. The SLC’s work closely with the Associate Dean for Spiritual Life and the Resident Director (RD) in their respective residence hall. Primary responsibilities are to help create an atmosphere for spiritual growth in their residence hall through encouraging and supporting the Spiritual Life Assistants (SLAs) as they minister on their floor/unit, as well as to assist their RD in spiritual oversight and programming of their residence hall. These six positions include four in the traditional residence halls, one position serving Aldersgate Commons, and one position serving Commuter Students (Scholarship position)
Spiritual Life Assistants (SLA/Hall Chaplains)
Thirty peer ministry positions are available to students wishing to partner with the Resident Assistant (RA) in developing spiritual growth opportunities for his/her own floor/unit/apartment. Responsibilities include planning the weekly Gathers and caregiving to the residents on their floor/unit/apartment. Commitments include attending Training Week in early fall and regular worship/training events throughout the year. SLAs are supported through regular meetings with their SLC and fellow SLAs within their residence hall.
For more information and questions, contact: Greg Haseloff greg.haseloff@asbury.edu University Pastor
Get Involved in Discipleship
While discipleship is intertwined with all expressions of campus life at Asbury, we have several opportunities we do very intentionally to give students entry points for new growth. Every discipleship moment at Asbury is a reflection of Acts 2 – being together for prayer, conversation, and encountering Scripture. When Asbury students enter these discipleship moments, they grow in holiness, stewardship, and mission.
Asbury students are regularly found traveling around the world to share the love of Christ with others. Visit or email the Catalyst Center team (catalystcenter@asbury.edu.) to learn more bout how you can give back — either right here in the community or around the world.