The M.A. in Digital Storytelling terminal degree is designed for traditional and nontraditional students. This includes full-time students, working adults, and transfer students.
Undergraduate Media Experience
If you completed undergraduate courses in Audio Production, Television Production and Single Camera Production, you can move directly into the online M.A. in Digital Storytelling program and complete the degree in 30 credit hours
Asbury students may take up to 3 graduate level classes during their senior year through the +Grad program. These classes cannot count toward the 124 credits needed to complete their undergraduate degree, and permission must be granted by the Dean of the School of Communication Arts.
Media Professionals
If you’re a media professional or have extensive media experience in Audio Production, Television Production and Single Camera Production, you can move directly into the online M.A. in Digital Storytelling program. Up to 3 hours of credit for professional experience may be considered in place of a specific course. Talk to your faculty advisor for more information.
No Prior Media Experience
If you don’t have prior media experience and/or have not completed media classes, you’ll need to take prerequisite courses in Audio Production, Television Production and Single Camera Production. This means you’ll be required to take 9 prerequisite credit hours plus the program’s 30 credit hours in order to complete the M.A. program.
The prerequisite course can be taken:
Some undergraduate classes can count toward the prerequisite classes. Undergraduate transcripts must be provided, and the course description must be similar to that of our prerequisite courses. Contact the Coordinator of Graduate Studies for more information.
School of Communication Arts Graduate Admissions
(859) 858-5214
The application process begins with submitting an application. Once you start an application you will have access to the Asbury Portal which will help you keep track of the documents needed to have a complete application and start your M.A. journey! Application materials needed:
Asbury’s M.A. degrees are accredited, affordable graduate programs that truly invest in your future success. They can be done fully online, there are no application fees, tuition rates are competitive and financial aid is available for eligible students.
Additionally, a select number of competitive graduate assistantships are available. Assistants must have graduated from a four-year, regionally-accredited institution, have a minimum of two academic semesters left to complete his/her master’s degree from the time the assistantship is awarded, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, and submit a current resume. Talk with your Graduate Admissions Counselor for full details.